Some Europeans are barely surviving?

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everything was not true.. I'm still here, still standing stronger than ever before, no issues, had COVID 19 - TOP CONDITIONS and I do what I always do.

But stay in your fairytale and maybe you should take the next chapter of The Walking Dead.
did i claim the virus is killing anyone ?Maybe start learning to read properly
So you claim you had covid 19 ?How do you know you checked with PCR?
You clearly have no more grey cells than before otherwise you would not make such stupid arguments.Did you even read what i posted during covid times ?
I told to not take mRNA vaccine and now you telling me that i'm wrong because you took not vaccine had covid 19 and feel better than ever before.

Makes total sense heh ?
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exactly, that's what I mean.. nothing to worry about.
Wow! I can´t stop wondering how the new virus called stupidity is taking over the world. Anyone who says nothing is happening, nothing to worry about is an uneducated person not even living in Europe. Did you guys see the video? There are millions of people who are now spending their savings thanks to this situation and other millions who have no savings so can not afford it and spend more!!! By the way Germany is not Europe. Europe is much more than just Germany and there are countries where people will freeze, where people will be on the edge and at the end of winter many will see how step by step governments will be take down, because ordinary people will not forget that somebody decided their faith for them in the sake of we must punish Russia what ever it takes even when our own people will have to suffer. Did someone ask us?
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Just on the news like predicted

Now image what will happen when they get flooded with ukrainains on third wave because the war gets more intense.

If you ever saw communism in action than its like in the vid

Most germans aren't even aware of how many people/governments in europe hate germans and like seeing germans going down to their level
Fun fact the polish country germans laughed about for such a long time will be at the end of this decade more important than germany based on US Think Tank Friedman from Stratfor
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Futhermore they want to take Ukraine in to the EU. They want to expand the EU. At a time when the EU is at a crossroad of surviving or falling apart. What the hell is wrong with people today...
Why would you need to be banned for spreading complete falsehoods?

"Nobody is freezing in Europe."

Correct, it is mid-october.
Is that deaths by freezing, or with freezing?
if they count like covid you already know the answer...
Jokes aside, long live climate warming. At last countries like German and UK could have a decent winter without relying on russian gas...

the real question is how the f* are you consuming only 1500kWh per year? lol
Go tell that to a family with low-medium income that uses like 3/4k kwh per year... I bet it'll hurt a lot. That and you also must add those that have inefficient ways of heating.
plenty of people were barely making it, plenty of people not paying bills, we'll see this winter how things will end.

A friend in EU got a bill for two months, it says in big fonts in the first page "TWO MONTHS- SEPT/OCT".
The amount seemed inline with the previous (expensive) ones, but he looked up inside and it's like consumption for ~1 month and 10 days instead of two full months as they did before.
Global price is the same but one doesn't notice if doesn't read the small font at page 3.
Shrinkflation on energy bills too?
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