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Some Advice for Tax Planning including Equity in a Company


Offshore Agent
Apr 6, 2013
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Hi everyone.

Please bare with me while I get my footing. I've been researching but there aren't many reliable resources that I have uncovered.

The scenario/goal is as follows. I am currently a resident in the US (dont plan on living here forever). My goals are two fold. One would be to take after tax income, transfer to an offshore entity with no/minimal capital gains tax and invest my savings with a brokerage like Interactive Brokers. The second is that I currently work for a start up who will be providing me with equity in the company and potentially significant bonuses on an annual basis. IF my offshore entity acted as a management firm that was receiving these bonuses as payment, and the equity in the company was signed over to this entity, can you for see any issues for both myself and my employer?

Do you have any recommendations on a simple/inexpensive structure?

Would a seychelles IBC and bank account be enough? Would the fact that my company is doing business with a seychelles company raise any concerns (meaning would another country be better)?

Any guidance you can provide would be more than appreciated!!