Shower thought question: what would you do with extra money that you absolutely must spend?


Member Plus
Mar 15, 2023
My sofa
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Let's say that on top of your current income, I give you an additional $10K, every month, with the condition that you must spend the whole amount by the end of each month.

You are not allowed to invest it in any way whatsoever (including trying to double it in any form of gambling), or give it away to friends, family, or charity. You are also not allowed to spend it on vices like women, alcohol or drugs.

How would you spend this extra cash?
You could buy a Mentor Group Lifetime or Gold membership and support a good service that does its best to provide information promoting "freedom of speech" and Super Liberalism
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Very difficult question. Do cats count as vices? I would hire a full time chef and a vet for my cats.
I could also hire another gardener or two, there’s no limit to the level of manicure you can apply to your garden (but that too could be a vice).
Everything else I can think of I already have or it’s way too expensive.

Cats do not count as vices, so that's a good answer.

I just wanted to remove women, alcohol and drugs out of the equation because that's the easy way to spend money up to infinite amounts.

It is indeed a difficult question, and that's the core of my thought. I always found it difficult to see how can extra money be used to improve one's life after achieving financial freedom.

It seems to me that money is rather useless after that point, but I could be wrong.
Once you can afford to own (and maintain) the best of everything (which requires way more than $10k per month) you start collecting things, which might become a vice. At the end, you become owned by your belongings, and a slave of your servants.
Your life is not improved by material things after a certain point.
I always found it difficult to see how can extra money be used to improve one's life after achieving financial freedom.

At some point you stop thinking about yourself and become aware that others around you need help.

At that point you'll know how to use all the resources you have in excess.

That point is called Spyral Dynamics level 6

99% of the people in this forum is at level 5.

The majority of people in western world is at level 4.

Middle-East folks that constantly kill each other are at level 3

If you want to see a great movie about people crossing from level 3 to 4 watch "Gangs of New York"
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Good post but that's exactly why in the conditions I disallowed giving money away to charity, friends and family.

It's yet more proof that the excess is useless, so you must give it away.
I disallowed giving money away to charity, friends and family.

It's not about charity (AKA giving away money for free), it's about helping others reaching higher levels so with the money in excess you create the conditions for that people to raise at higher levels and help themselves.

Do you think that giving 10K to somebody will solve his problems?

70% of lottery winners go bankrupt

the excess is useless

Once you are swimming in the pool, there could be a 1 inch of water or 100 miles of water under your toes and it wouldn't make any difference to you.
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The question is about how can you help yourself with the excess money, that's why I explicitly stated no charity allowed in the conditions. Helping others is charity.

Do you think that giving 10K to somebody will solve his problems?

Yes, a lot of people will get their problems solved if you give them 10k a month, and even less than that, unless you've been in Monaco too much and lost sight of how much people really earn.

But, again, too easy to spend the extra cash on women, champagne and donations to Unicef, so no help to others whatsoever is allowed.

The core of the idea is that excess money becomes useless, on a personal level, rather fast once financial independence is achieved. Even something relatively small as an extra $10K is hard to spend on yourself, in a somewhat productive way, once needs are fulfilled.
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the question is not clear... every time I touch fiat money is either investment (good or bad) or vices(good or bad)... there's no middle way!
so if one cannot invest "any way whatsoever", cannot do charity, cannot spend it on vices... wtf should I answer? I don't need it...
Reactions: scooterguy
i would do investing but the kind of investment in personal development and acquire more skills that would allow me to up my game in my business domain and delegate time consuming work, let's be honest no one is really in the top of his field if you are you're already on forbes list. unless that money is strictly just to enjoy the only thing i can think of is travel for pleasure that would exclude vices.

there is also gourmet food but that would grow as vice too
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Reactions: scooterguy
Private chef like it was previously mentioned and massages at home.
You guys are so selfish. The chef is for the cats. Probably they will appreciate a masseuse too.
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