As defined under the Financial Services Development Act 2001, a GBL1 is a company engaged in qualified global business and which is carried on from within Mauritius with persons all of whom are resident outside Mauritius and where business is conducted in a currency other than the Mauritian rupee.
It is the recommended structure for individuals, body corporate, trust or partnership including limited liability partnership or a société for
investment and other high profile business. A GBL1 may be locally incorporated or may be registered as a branch of a foreign company. Public companies, those engaged in banking, insurance and fund management, and companies wishing to benefit from the provisions of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs), can only be incorporated as GBL1 companies.
Confidentiality is strictly observed in terms of the FSD Act. No person or body is authorized to disclose information or present documentation to any court, tribunal, committee of inquiry or other authority in Mauritius unless ordered to do so by a Court of Law on application by the Director of Public Prosecution for inquiry into the trafficking of narcotics and dangerous drugs, arms trafficking or money laundering as defined under existing legislation. Upon application to the FSC, full disclosure is required on the beneficial owners of the company. However, such information is not available for public inspection.