i own a E-commerce buying product from factories in Europe and selling to private customers.
My clients are mosly Europeans. I would like to sell my products using also Cryptocurrencies as payment method.
Is there a way to avoid VAT at least on products sold for cryptocurrencies?
I was thinking to open a Cyprus company. I'm particularly intrigued by a non resident Cypriot company. Or could i use other jurisdition?
Thank you very much
i own a E-commerce buying product from factories in Europe and selling to private customers.
My clients are mosly Europeans. I would like to sell my products using also Cryptocurrencies as payment method.
Is there a way to avoid VAT at least on products sold for cryptocurrencies?
I was thinking to open a Cyprus company. I'm particularly intrigued by a non resident Cypriot company. Or could i use other jurisdition?
Thank you very much