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Seeking Platforms Where Freelancers Issue Invoices to the Platform Not Clients


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Nov 9, 2017
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Hello everyone,

I'm currently using platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to find freelance work, and I've noticed that these platforms handle invoicing directly with clients. However, I'm looking for alternative platforms where the freelancer issues the invoice directly to the platform, and not to the clients.

This setup could simplify my accounting and financial management processes. Does anyone know of any freelancing platforms that operate this way?

I appreciate any recommendations or insights you can share. Thank you!
You can address invoices directly to fiverr . I dont know if its only available in germany. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/de/articles/360010561178-Verkäufer-Steuern . These are the details :
Fiverr International Ltd

8 Eliezer Kaplan St.

TelAviv, Israel 6473409

VAT ID: 558327284

Firmennummer: 514440874

Einbehaltene Steuerdatei: 917369274+B85

Konsol. Geschäftsnummer: 558327284
Thanks for your input. I saw an article detailing it.
I have concerns however on how tax authorities might see it. For example, if your client is a company in Europe and you are also located in Europe - invoicing a company in a third country and therefore, not charging VAT might be seen as a problem.
What do you think of it ?
Thanks for your input. I saw an article detailing it.
I have concerns however on how tax authorities might see it. For example, if your client is a company in Europe and you are also located in Europe - invoicing a company in a third country and therefore, not charging VAT might be seen as a problem.
What do you think of it ?
I already did it you wont have any problems . It doesnt matter where the client lives . Because you are delivering the service towards fiverr and not the customer directly