Seeking Expert Advice on Structuring US App Companies for Tax-Efficient Global Revenue Transfers

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If that was the case you could remit foreign sourced income tax free.

? Not sure what you mean. Singapore e.g. has a similar system.
There is a distinction between local and foreign and remitted and unremitted income.
Still, the source of the income is relevant.

I've never seen a serious business built on such a fragile foundation.

Then you haven't been to Dubai. It's very common for people to run US LLCs from there.

If you do the math you'll discover that OP would pay a whopping 1.75% total taxes without any refund process but paying 35% of the 5% on income left in Malta.

Not sure what you mean here.
Singapore e.g. has a similar system.

True, and it's not a territorial taxation system, it's "non-dom" for companies.

It's very common for people to run US LLCs from there.

I know but we can be smarther than that.

Not sure what you mean here.

I mean that if @littlerabbit as owner of IP licenses that IP to a company resident non domiciled in Malta he could get 95% of the income generated by the maltese company as royalty payment tax free in UAE.

The remaining 5% will be taxed in Malta and who cares about the full imputation system if even at highest tax bracket, which is 35%, in the end you will pay 1.75% total taxes?

Imagine one app generates $1.000.000.

95% of that $1mil goes to UAE as a royalty payment.

$50.000 are taxed in Malta.

For the sake of semplicity lets assume that all $50.000 will be taxed at 35% and this isn't obviusly the case but 50.000 * 35% = $17.500 of taxes

17.500*100/1.000.000 = 1.75% total taxes paid

But you are on OCT. This place is full of such guys.

Is 1.75% of taxes worth the risk of getting caught by a bedouin?
Lol, unbelievable that they basically don't have transfer pricing rules.
I guess it could work.
But it might be easier to just use a regular Maltese company with a non-Maltese holding company to just pay the 5%.