Second passport

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Mate Comoros started the first ever citizenship by investment program around 2000. The legit ones unfortunately got cancelled with the fraudulent ones.

Those who obtained their's legitimately and persude it and provided the evidence where able to renew.

Of course there is corruption just like there was in Cyprus and Bulgaria. There are bending of the rules by all the programs. I know of guys with serious criminal records and even current serving politicians who have obtained passports. Even when both these make you ineligible, in countries that are seen to be non corrupt because they are in Europe.

Some will even accept Iranians legally even though officially they say no. Subject to whole list of extensive criteria and a little bit more money.
Money talks BS walks that is the number one principle everyone should remember always.
The main question is:

Who is willing to buy a citizenship from the country, which constitution does not support it? Constitution of Comoros says exactly who and how can obtain citizenship. Everything else is ILLEGAL.

How much cost your silent and quiet sleep? 20K USD more and you can have citizenship from reliable country wchi has economic citizenship program included in constitution.

In Comoros, any future goverment can come and cancel citizenships of all those "economic immigrants". Why? Because it is illegal. Because all this citizenships are sold without support in constitution.

Agrument saying, that there are other corrupted countries does not mean, that buying citizenship of Comoros is safe.

How much will you be willing to pay as a bail, when arrested with cancelled passport of Comoros somewhere in a prison of a third world country? How much will you be willing to pay as a "penalty" or "bribe" to be able to resolve that situation? Dees have that 20K saved dollars have so high value?

If anyone serios person compares:

100K USD for citizenship of some carribean country, which has economic citizisenship program included in constitution, and you are sure they will never cancel your citizenship and passport, and you can travel freely to many civilized country


80K USD for citizenship of absolutely poor corrupted african country, which does not have economic citizenship program allowed in constitution, and they can cancel your citizenship and passport without notification, and you can travel with this passport almost nowhere.

Which choise is better?
Reactions: mike400
80k is too much. Better to get the carribean solution.
But this is common for African countries. The asking prices are at a western level whereas the service and quality is very low.
80k is too much. Better to get the carribean solution.
But this is common for African countries. The asking prices are at a western level whereas the service and quality is very low.
Risks connected with Comoros passport are as high as risk of obtanng a citizenship or registration in civic registry in any other african country for paying some bribe. And Comoros is more expensive..

There are som other countiries, our of caribbean, which sells citizenships also. But they just do not publish it. Many countries sells citizenships by trusted network of agents. And no one is able to publish.
Reactions: Marc Rich
I'm speaking from experience and with facts!!

I'm not going to argue with you over what you have read on the internet. As you will see all over this forum people say things can't be done but in reality it is achievable legally so long as you follow the right steps.
You do not have to argue. How would you argue agianst a truth?

Is possibility to obtain citizenship by investment or donation in Constitution of Comoros?

Answer: NO

What are the only legal ways how to obtain citizenship by constitution of Comoros?

Answer: Birth, Military service, Naturalization by living in a country for at least 10 years and be fluent in creol language and be fully integrated into society and withdraw all your existing other citizenships.

Can you obtain citizenship from Comoros for 80K USD?

Answer YES

Is this citisenship legal?

Answer: NO

Will be passport which you receive genuine?

Answer: YES

Can be your citizenship cancelled anytime and without notification?

Answer: YES

Can be your passport cancelled without notice and you will be arrested in the next try to cross a border?

Answer: YES

Does Comoros citizenship program exist?

Answer: YES, but is realized without any support in constitution and law of Comoros

How is it possible?

Answer: Criminal activity of few people,

Is "donation" used in Comoros for any kind of country development fund, or is it used for any legal activity?

Answer: NO. All "donation" which you pay is split between group of criminals, who are holding a power in a country

What will happen if situation in the country will be changed?

Answer: If election will be won be any serious party, criminals will be arrested and most likely all citizenhips and passports issued by previous criminal officials will be cancelled.

I agree with you not worth it. Better to spend more and get legal one
Congrats! Summarized nearly everything what is wrong with the Comores. My first citizenship sale was in 1998, so I think I have a better than average knwoledge. What usually causes the confusion is what does exactly a "program" means. In this business program is a set of published rules, whereby if you are clean, and satisfy the conditions laid down you are basically guaranteed to receive the residency or citizenship. There is always a government website outlying the conditions, and producing the list of agents who can process your application.

There is of course another monetary way to obtain is citizenship which is often called as a program but it is not: simply giving cash to someone who produces the passport. Of course this can be a white, gray or black solution, and in the case of the Comores we have no indication about the legal background, which makes me suspicious about how stable and legally defensible will be my "citizenship" if something goes wrong.

My most important question is what do you want to do with it? For serious travel it is bad, for banking it makes you very suspicious so what is the advantage? I would suggest everyone to spend more and get a 100% legal, confirmable solution. But I understand there are many cheapos who are looking for cheap solutions and then they cry when they are cheated.
Reactions: daxbr
BTW the first citizenship program was started in St Kitts in 1984, and stil works and 100% legal. So in 2000 the Comores was not the first by far
Reactions: Marc Rich
BTW the first citizenship program was started in St Kitts in 1984, and stil works and 100% legal. So in 2000 the Comores was not the first by far
I do not want to argue against.. But as I remember, first citizenship program was in Dominica in 1979. But has been suspended few times. So, if you count just never discontinued and never suspended programs you are right. If you count also programs which were discontinued or suspended for some time, Dominica is the first one. There was a diplomatic conflict between Dominica and USA in a past for giving a passport to a US criminals.
Truly speaking dear but in case of trouble those agents will disappear. Years ago Paraguay passports were available through a network of lawyers who had deep connections with govt officials. One American who got rather upset about it since the lawyer told him to hold on for a few months more as investigations were being carried out by immigration dept. He went ahead and filed a compliant with the US embassy who checked his papers and found out their US state dept stamp was fraudulent or stolen. They complained to Py police and both US state dept officers and Py police conducted a joint raid on lawyer's residence and found out a Py passport machine as well as US state dept seal etc. Needless to say all Py passports issued by the lawyer and her associates were immediately cancelled out and people lost a lot of money. This hit all over the news media and forums. I don't have the link anymore but you can google for it.
Ms Bettina Müller...
Reactions: LoveMyLife
I remember that case. It is not so long time ago. I talks about it with my friend, who is a lawyer, in Paraguay. I just landed in Asuncion just a few days after this happened. So we talked about it. That arrested lawyer was german. And my friend, who is also lawyer and lives in Asuncion is also german. And he knew her.
Reactions: Davis123
Might not be linked with Ms Bettina but it's something to think about when you are investing your hard earned money on these scamsters. I think Andrew Henderson also got his Py residency as he talked about it on YouTube but didn't get the passport as the person he was associating with earlier Jeff Bezos of TDV passports had acquired services of Ms Bettina for his clients. It's all on YouTube.
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