Second passport

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That's the only one left I think that doesn't citizenship but I am sure it will offer soon with all the inflation. Lot of countries are now thinking about this and worldwide taxation by citizenship similar to USA. So be careful of that aspect too.
Reactions: Casedy
What can be done online in norway?
However, i think things might easily get rogue if one has two or more passes with different names..
I think i remember reading of someone who was searched at the airport, and the other passes with different names were found, and then troubles started..
I can't imagine all scenarios where this gets out of hand, but i can assume there are a few?
What kind of troubles?
Panama does not give you citizenship after 5 years technically. It might take 7 or maybe more.
A 5sec google search and plenty of results saying it is indeed 5 years!

Most recent link i found.
And after five years of permanent residency, you can apply to get your Panama passport and citizenship, which gives you visa-free access to 121 countries including all of Europe and the United Kingdom.
A 5sec google search and plenty of results saying it is indeed 5 years!

Most recent link i found.
Basically info on websites and on the internet, serves as foundation on what you should expect,approx timelines,requirements etc..not entirely pin point correct info..also take into consideration the timeline of the information on the website..

with the current world scenario Btc cant even stay stable for a Milli sec

Reality only sets it when execution begins, when it comes to 2passport and Citizenship,workpermits etc..the reality towards achieving your needs always divert towards an unforseen angle, be it timeline,overall costs,approval durations,consultations,legality...the list goes on...

a Second PP is sure a worthy investment(whichever country OP does opt into)..DD is required and as always, A physical presence is sure needed to capture bio metrics data,obtain relevant up to date data etc...and dont forget each countries program consists of it pro's and Con's...
Reactions: nomad999
Dear I know the actual experiences of the people who went through Panama, Paraguay and Brazil programs so I am much familiar with those than official timelines. Officially Paraguay takes only 3 years but I have actually met many who are waiting still after 9 years with no passport in sight. Panama has a lot of Americans still in limbo.
Yep, I've heard the same about Panama. Officially you can get a passport, practically you can forget about it
Exactly well said, and thats what, OP has to strongly consider...more often than not,information by the books and reality are always different...South American PP have tendencies of such delays...9years spent waiting for a PP thats a lot.
What about Brazil?
They realised they could get more even though its not great.

100% there are only 2 agents who can do it and you either make a contribution which is the quickest way or you invest in a program of island rehabilitation which can take upto 2 years.
I might have clients for the Comores, how can I get into touch with one of the agents? The price of US$80,000 with no visa-free travel compared to Vanuatu US$130,000 with visa-free to the UK, Schengen, Singapore might be a better value... Anyway, it would be good to learn how the Comores system works, is there an official, government-legislated solution etc etc
Criteria is not as stringent as the others with regards to net worth.
I red all posts here. The most of members are not right. Please, do not trust all those bullshits which you can find on goggle search results. Here is reality in countries, which I found mentioned in this discussion...

Absolutely unstable political situation. Program does not have a support in constitution. Citizenships bases on their program can be cancelled anytime.
Passport is not worth that money. You can add 20K and you can have a passport from some respected carribean nation.
I do not believe, there is any real swerious bank in a world, whcih will open bank account for soeone with passport from Comoros.

Good and reliable. But you have to donate (they call it investment, what it is not) few hundred thousand USD.

You have to live within country at least 183 days in a first year - temporary residency. And at least 90 days per year in next 4 years.
After 5 years of total time of being a resident of Chile, you have to pass exam from spanish language, hitory, geography and culture.
And you have to show as many proofs of strong country ties as you can.
If you have lived in Chile enough time - 5 years or more, passed exam and if you can provide proof of strong ties to the country, naturalization takes 9-12 months.
Chile taxes global income. So be prepared to pay income tax from all your worldwide income in Chiel from the first day of your residency.
Just having a paper residency will be not enough.

You have to live there at least 183 days a year for 3 years if you are married or if you have a child immigrating with you. If you are single, you have to live there at least 183 days every year for 5 years.
You have to pass exam on spanish, history an culture.
You have to show proof of extremely stong ties to the country.
Naturalization takes 1 year. Naturalization decision is issued by the judge. Who will have interview with you and will determine if you are totaly integrated in their society or not.
Paper residency just does not work.

You have to live there at least 183 days a year for 3 years. You have to have active taxable source of income within paraguay and pay at least some taxes.
You have to pass exam on spanish, history an culture.
Naturalization takes up to 2 years. Naturalization decision is issued by the judge. Interview is just formality.
Paper residency just does not work.

You have to invest at least 30K USD.
You have to live there at least 183 days a year for 3 years.
Naturalization takes up to 1 year.
Paper residency just does not work.

If you just want to keep residence permit valid, you have to spend in Panama just 1 day every 2 years. But if you want to be a naturalized citizen after some time, you have to spend some "reasonable time" in a country every year for at least 5 years. Law does not say what is it "reasonable time" but in reality it is at least 60 to 90 days.
You have to pass exam in spanish language about history, georgraphy, culture, law system.
You have to pass interview with local administrator. You have to pass interview with a judge. Both will consider if you are fully integrated within their society.
You have to have at least 2 adult panamian witnesses who will be interviewed by the judge and they has to confirm that thay know you at least 5 years, that you are fully integrated and that you lived really reasonable time within country every year.
Naturalization takes 7-10 years after application is filled. President has to file decree of naturalization. President does not have a time limit to to that. The most naturalization applications are just sitting somewhere on a table and is not signer for many years. If you do not have real connections, your application does not have to be signed ever.
Paper residency just does not work.

You have to have a child or wife or husband who is citizen of Brazil or you have to invest 200K USD. You have to live in Brazil 183 days for at least 3 years.
You have to pass exam on portugeese language.
You have to pass exam on history, geography and culture.
Naturalization takes 1-2 years after application is filled.
Paper residency just does not work.

As you can see, the most of countries which were very openned to foreigners, changed their rules. It it not so easy to obtain citizenship (out of those which you can buy directly)

You can buy citizenship directly in some countries: Dominica, St. Lucia, Vanuatu, St. Kitts and Nevis.
Malta, Cyprus and Hungary and Montenegro closed their programs. EU pressure was too strong.

One very good based program on real investment is Turkey (not donation masked by word investment). You invest 250K in real estate and you can apply for citizenship immediately.

There are only few countries where you can obtain citizenship based on a paper residency.

One of them is Colombia. But you have to be a resident for 10 years. You have to spend there at least 1 day every year. No one knows if they will not change their rules in next 10 years.

Second one is Armenia. You have to invest at least 30K USD. You have to spend there 3-4 weeks when obtaiing a residence permit. And you have to spend 1 week there every other year. You can apply for citizenship after 3 years.
Law requires you to be fluent in armenian language - you have to pass a test about basics of their constitutional system. Test is in armenian language. But they accept if you bring a translator with you. In reality they just does not enforce condition of understanding armenian language.

There are some other options in a world. Some countries will give you a citizenship just base on "being important" for the country. Or make a "reasonable contribution to the country". This requires to have a connection with right people within country. Citizenship is usualy granted by presidential decree.
I know at least about 3 countries, where it is possible. Just base on experience. I believe, there are more, but I have experience with three only.

The most of countries requires every person who want to be naturalized to spend most of their time in a country.

Countries by number of years of residency (just years when you spend at least 183 days a year in a country counts) till possibility to file naturalization application:

Peru 2 years
Argentina 2 years
Bolicia 3 years
Ecuador 3 years
Honduras 3 years
Brazil 3 years
Uruguay 3 (having child or wife or husband there) / 5 years (single)
Canada 4 years
Malta 4 (citizens of other EU countries) / 5 years
USA 5 years
Chile 5 years
Russia 5 years
Guatemala 5 years
Mexico 5 years
Belgium 5 years
United Kingdom 5 years
Austria 5 years
Costa Rica 7 years
El Salvador 7 years
Czech republic 8 years
Frace 8 years
Poland 8 years
Italy 12 years
Slovakia 12 years
Switzerland 12 years
Singapore 13 years

I do not write all of them. Just a few. If you are interested in any other country, just ask. I will try to answer.

If you are looking for so called "banking" passport, just travel to some poor african country, pay bribe to the official who can type your data into their citizens database and you can have a passport cheap and fast. I believe, that 5K in Nigeria or Somalia will be enough to be "added" to their database of citizens. There are many offices who just register a peole who never had any ID, never had been registered anywhere.. And you can choose your date of birth, place of birts, name.. But I do not know any bank who will accept citizen of poor third world country as a client. Maybe some african bank. The strongest african passport, which you can obtain this way is from Kenya. But be ready for very unstable security situation in all of this counstries. Expecialy if you show you have some cash..
Do you have any contacts in Kenya for this?
Agree about the security situation. You need to watch out as soon as you move out of being just a tourist.
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