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Safe anon offshore solution for securing funds

Hi, im new to the offshore world and would really appreciate help in this area.

Im a EU Citizen (nordics) and have approximately 1m usd in funds that i would like to secure. I earned this money through flipping properties and through my business. The thing is that i don't really trust my government. Our tax authorities has a record on freezing assets in the case that if they do an audit and come to the conclusion that my company should have paid more taxes, then they freeze my personal assets. As of right now my only solution is to buy precious metals and other valuables, but i don't like this solution as it doesn't allow my money to be invested in the markets. Its also a hassle with physical valuables.

So what i would like to have is a anonymous offshore company with a bank account. There should also be a custodian account where i can trade securities and that is separate from the bank so if the bank goes bust, the custodian account is safe.

Im not really planning on using the company for any business, so the tax rate is not a big issue, but i would prefer to not pay capital gains taxes. The most important thing is that the money is safe and that i can use them how i want.

Thanks in advance:)
Im not really planning on using the company for any business, so the tax rate is not a big issue, but i would prefer to not pay capital gains taxes. The most important thing is that the money is safe and that i can use them how i want.
What solution did you find for this particular purpose?