Russian Citizenship by Investment

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nice story
1. multi-millionaires, peta-millionaires, billionaires are VERY unhappy, because their kids are in normal universities in UK, US, FR for example, and they like to travel WW
2. you are right - was will be finished soon with the absolute defeat of this wild crazy preudo-empire. And we will give their, as you say, natural resources to China. And everyone will be happy. Working on this right now.
p.s. their nuclear weapons rotted long ago and was sold by drunken warriors in the army.

By the way, after we (I mean the civilized world) defeat these morons and cattle, their nuclear weapons will be confiscated, which, by the way, they got by an absurd accident.

So I very NOT recommend you to try relocate in that hell
Russians still trust Swiss banks? lolwut? That's so 20th century. Swiss banks about are about as safe as US banks, reasonably stable but zero privacy.

Why would someone want to live in an expensive part of Europe? The same reason someone would want to live in Bel Air. If you have money to the point that the taxes don't matter you can isolate yourself from the dumpster fire that surrounds your compound and enjoy yourself. There's a big different between having a nice place in Europe and primarily doing business in Europe.

Can't get money out of Russia? You must be joking. Rubles to crypto or yuan, then to whatever else you want. If you want a paper trail for some reason a Hong Kong company with a yuan bank account gets your money out of Russia and it can now freely go anywhere in the world. OTOH, with as much of a PITA as HK as become it might be faster for a Russian to open a yuan account in China due to those friendly relations. Either way, mission accomplished.

Lots of Russians are moving to Dubai and most of them are wealthy not the middle class. They're paying several million usd for their new apartments and enjoying G wagons.
Personally, I don't find rich people of any national origin moving to Dubai being all that surprising, especially now that you can get permanent residence by buying a 2m AED condo. The weather is great (summer is hot if you're a wuss), quantity and availability of tremendous food rivals Singapore and Hong Kong (at a bit of a premium, but if you're rich enough an extra 200 AED for dinner is no big deal, great hotel buffets are a relative steal at Singapore/Las Vegas prices). There are multiple amusement and water parks in metro area. Internet and cell service are just below Singapore for second best in the world, even if they go for 3-5x what they cost in the US. With streaming, VPNs and good internet Dubai's TV packages sucking is no longer an issue. Gorgeous escorts can be rented at prices much lower than they would command in Singapore or Amsterdam. The emirate has far more thirsty professional western women looking for hookups than you would think. Dubai is an attractive option even if you didn't live in a place as cold as Russia for the last 20+ years. The last time I checked no one in the UAE was using Russia protecting the lives of ethnic Russians living in the Borderlands as an excuse to steal everything in the UAE owned by private Russian citizens. A better question to ask is why anyone reading this forum wouldn't want permanent residence in Dubai.

That leads me to asking why you appear to think middle class Russians would be better off in Dubai. People that aren't rich moving to Dubai are cheap domestic help, cheap hard labor, cheap hotel/restaurant/resort workers and hookers. The bottom of the top 1% from any developed country is relatively poor in Dubai. 1-1.5m AED is a good living most places, but doesn't go as far as you would like, not to mention having very low social status. My understanding is that anything under 5m AED/year makes you the emerati equivalent of white trash. When I priced out internet and cell service a few months ago what I get for $95/mo in the US would cost a little over $500/mo from Etisalat. Things like electricity and running water are also a multiple of what you're used to paying. Without a very good job in place anyone from the upper middle class in a developed country would be taking a big lifestyle hit, to say nothing of middle class. A head of lettuce was at least $6 BEFORE the recent food inflation hit. I don't know how much groceries run in Dubai now, but if a dozen eggs are over $4 in the US I'm sure it's much higher there. Monthly condo fees on places I looked at that aren't that nice hit 7-10k+ AED. Everything that isn't sand or crude oil is imported and costs more than it does just about anywhere else in the world. Giving the maid money to get your groceries and do other misc. shopping is more a concern than maid's salary. On the plus side retail gasoline prices are among the lowest in the world and are a lower than wholesale prices US gas stations pay. It doesn't even out the overall cost of living, but it's something. If you have to be middle class, there are worse places to be middle class than Russia.

Who in this thread said you should make Russia your primary residence anyway? Did JohnnyDoe say that? I know I didn't say that. If you have to be convinced of the obvious upsides of having a Russian passport it simply isn't for you.

I have been talking with a lawyer in Russia about straight citizenship by investment, but I'm not too optimistic about this guy. His English is only a little better than my Russian and there have been some long gaps with no communication. I'm definitely not sending money before before going there in person, and I don't have the confidence to go through that trouble yet. If I don't update with something positive by the end of February assume it fizzled out or there have been enough gaps in communication for me to give up on him. It was a private referral from someone on a Russian file sharing website and not someone you can find with Yandex or Google using English. If I don't post something positive by the end of February assume it's a dead end.
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Reactions: jafo
Any updates?

PS. Thought to ask notwithstanding your warning about the possibility of the deal fizzling out.
On July 7, 2022, the citizenship law of Armenia was amended to provide the possibility of obtaining Armenian citizenship by making a significant contribution to specific areas.

“Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia can be granted, without the need to comply with sub-paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the first paragraph or the second paragraphs of this article, to those who have provided exceptional services to the Republic of Armenia as well as to persons with a significant contribution in the areas of the economy, science, education, culture, healthcare, athletics. The description and evaluation criteria of exceptional services, as well as a significant contribution in the areas of the economy, science, education, culture, healthcare, athletics, shall be defined by a decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.”

“significant contribution”:

  • A donation of $150,000 to a scientific or educational foundation
  • Investment of $100,000 in an IT company or a venture fund
  • Investment of $150,000 in a company and hold the investment for ten years
  • Purchase of $150,000 worth of government bonds and hold the investment for seven years
  • Purchase of $150,000 worth of real estate and hold the investment for ten years
  • Having over twenty years of work experience in a publicly traded IT company
  • Having over ten years of work experience in science and authoring over five scientific articles
  • Being engaged in dissemination and preservation of Armenian culture, heritage, and identity
  • Having a scientific title of docent, professor in the area of healthcare.
According to the law, the applicants who receive citizenship by exception must present themselves before an authorized body of the Armenian government and participate in an oath to collect their Armenian passport.

No residency, language, or constitutional knowledge requirements exist for people who choose the exceptional route to obtain Armenian nationality, making it the quickest and most hassle-free way to become an Armenian citizen.
Reactions: void and jafo
Purchase of $150,000 worth of government bonds and hold the investment for seven years
When does the bond owner get citizenship? When he purchases government bonds or after seven years of holding the bonds?

Does the Armenian government notify the passport holder's country of citizenship that the bondholder has now acquired Armenian citizenship?
Unable to answer
Unable to properly answer that sorry. You will need an armenian lawyer
Reactions: jafo
Any updates?

PS. Thought to ask notwithstanding your warning about the possibility of the deal fizzling out.
Response time got longer until I stopped hearing back when looking for specifics like the exact statute that would allow for straight citizenship by investment and seeing that it is still valid. Everything he had in English was taken off the net. In this case I think he found the hard way that his English wasn't where it needed to be to facilitate serious questions about it than it was a scam. My Russian isn't at a level where I can articulate exact and complicated legal concepts in Russian with confidence that I'm conveying my thoughts properly either. Still no luck finding a service lke Fred's Dubai white glove treatment for Russian citizenship. You'd think there has to be one Russian reading this board that would see the obvious business opportunity.
Reactions: jafo
Maybe it will be helpful for some ppl))

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2023 N 350 "On Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2022 N 690 "On admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner of foreign citizens and stateless persons who have entered into contracts for military services"

Document overview

Foreigners who have entered into a contract during the SVO (Special Military operation in Ukraine) period will be able to obtain citizenship in a simplified manner.
The President clarified the conditions for simplified admission to Russian citizenship of foreigners who have entered into contracts for military service.
In particular, foreign citizens who signed contracts for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or military formations for a period of one year can now obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. The simplified procedure also applies to members of their families.
An application for obtaining citizenship can be submitted to any territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your choice. Together with him, a contract for military service is also presented.
The decree comes into force from the date of its signing.
Dear, where did you find this text? In Russia, possession of several citizenships is allowed. Millions of Russians have two, and some even three or more passports. Of course, there are nuances in obtaining Russian citizenship by foreigners. The most important thing is to know the laws and not to believe in fairy tales.
You don't have enough difficulties in your business? Is doing business with Russian nationality a kind of new challenge for you? Because personally I do not see a single advantage in having Russian nationality.
Hear me out...

and juxtapose, if you will: Mala in se vs. Mala

Maybe, just maybe the people who seek Russian citizenship want to be able to go to a "safe" place in case they decide they want to make LOTS of money and NOT dance to anyone else's tune or unilateral sanctions, i.e. the whims of "anonymous shot-callers"?
Sort of like Christopher Emms --->>> CHRISTOPHER DOUGLAS EMMS | Federal Bureau of Investigation

Who is now openly TROLLING the FBI, the West, and the sanctions while streaming to the world from RT and getting paid too:

Reactions: Trayon and Don
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