Ross is free

That’s a bold move by Trump. Now we might see a new Silk Road openly selling child pornography, drugs, and weapons without any law to prohibit such things.
this guy surely cooked tons of meth, sold missiles and raped many children - he deserved to rot in the dungeon
The sentence may have been draconian, but he was still a peddler of drugs and vice. Hardly a hero.
He created a platform. A free market for people.
Not different from the creators of Ebay or Craigslist.

Did they go to jail every time someone sold drugs, weapons, and fake items on that platforms (and there was/is lots of it, openly first, then disguised as other items)?

Epstein didn't need to use the darknet, he trafficked and sold children to 'the elites' to blackmail them (his island was nothing yet, check out his farm and below its grounds ), and lives now a lavish retirement as a former Mossad agent in Tel Aviv.

Who of those 'elites' went to jail? They didn't even publish the flight logs.

Hawk Tua girl faces arrest (well, I think nothing happened to her at all till now) because of her meme coin rug, and Trump launches two meme coins to get rich(er) quick himself, and is being celebrated instead.

One law for them, one for the plebs.
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Reactions: JohnLocke

i'm playing devils advocate here, but comparing silk road to ebay is a bit rich. Silk road was specifically created and hosted as a dark web website with the intention of evading law enforcement in order to facilitate illegal transactions. Ross made no efforts to stop these crimes as he directly benefited from it.

I think his initial sentence was far too harsh though and I think he's served enough time, so I have no problem with him being free now.
I agree on many things, but when it comes to drugs, weapons, and children, I fully support having laws and regulations on where these can be sold or distributed.

I completely disagree that it should be up to individuals to decide this, as that would mean being a criminal or part of a criminal cartel that profits from harming others.
unless one voluntarily decides to accept the law and play by these rules for his own benefit and on his own expense
its one of the moments when democracy shits itself: you will always have those who disagree with law and have to be coerced. society is not ok with sex trafficking and it has to force those who disagree with it to comply with that law.

and it will stay this way until/if humanity integrates in a large neural web and becomes one mind.
What has CP to do with silkroad? That was never allowed there. It feels like everyone's just spreading misinformation without doing their own research. It's the same with the alleged hitman attempt that's never been proven either.
resistance is futile... these guys represent "the society" and know what is right and what is wrong - you can't win this argument because it's not symmetrical, they represent the "good ones"
Reactions: cryptofriendly
So you do not think that my body is my property and only I get to decide what goes into it?
Today you want to decide what does and what does not go _into_ my body, tomorrow you want to have the right to decide what (a kidney perhaps?) goes out of it?
Isn't this mentality much more evil than that of Ross?
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Oh man, the way you worded things.. Maybe there are some rational thoughts behind this but I cant make any sense of what you wrote.

What drugs are you on?
Reactions: brianK
prohibiting drugs does not in any shape or form give protection against them.
Its the opposite really. There is ample proof of this.
Same for weapons, some of the socialist utopias with strong gun bans, have a lot of gun incidents.

how do the kids fit in here?
it's nice you're trying but the understanding you ask from somebody raised and stuck in collectivist mindset is too demanding - the long-term experience says that it requires a non-trivial time and willingness to at least listen (if not to change mind) - this is not something that can be explained in couple of thread posts sadly
very true
People have embraced their conditioning so much, that they feel too comfortable in Plato's cave to dare a look outside.

How come that the 'devil's lettuce' was supposed to destroy people and society until 1996, and then suddenly became 'medical', and a great source of tax revenue?

Just looking at the shelves in the supermarkets with the ultra-processed 'food' that is being sold, we can see that the governments couldn't care less about the health of people. And that's ok, but then don't take people's freedom of deciding by themselves what they ingest or not, it's their own choice.

Don't outlaw stuff, just educate people about the physical and mental effects, and pro and contra of substances, instead of leading them to buy 'something' from shady people on the street, who just want to make a quick buck and sell things of dubious quality.

It's ironic fearing civilians having the possibility to purchase weapons, while governments have a long history of using false flag attacks to cause genocides and murder thousands of innocents in their living rooms, create, manufacture and sell more deadly conventional, biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in ONE DAY, than the Silkroad marketplace could have ever done, even if it would have been operating running for 100 years. But that's ok, right?

And if some 3-letter agency is reading this: no, I don't have any weapons or drugs. But didn't Hunter Biden have them, even on video evidence, the ex-presidents son himself? How come? Isn't it illegal? <sarcasm>

Ultimately, it's all about control.....and their mind control works as we can see in some of the comments.
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