Robbery and safety

Yes no problem. Check it out Self defence school in Pattaya they do also a lot of Muay Thai.
Thank you! Much appreciated
And again I agree with all of you that it’s stupid to attack someone that has a knife or gun
Sometimes, your only choice is to lie down and perish *xor* fight back!
A lot of times, even if you "comply," they'll end you, so if in doubt, there is NO doubt!

I think it’s worth to learn this skills.
It's definitely a BIG PLUS! Would-be robbers and muggers are looking for easy scores or victims. If they sense you can handle yourself, they'll move on to a "low-hanging fruit."
And again I agree with all of you that it’s stupid to attack someone that has a knife or gun but I think it’s worth to learn this skills.
It's good to learn something all your life, but I must say, if you think you can attend a 14-day course or participate in a bit of training for a year and then you're ready to fight on the street, then you are sorely mistaken. You'll be crumpled up like a soda can before you can even remember what it was you were supposed to do and how it was supposed to work in practice.

When you're in the DOJO, you can be mega cool with your martial arts techniques, most places you won't even get to fight a real opponent, but when one day you're on the street and it matters, you might experience panic attacks, you might hesitate, and even the ground you're standing on might not be as optimal as in the hall.

You have to be very dedicated to your martial arts if you think you're going to be able to use it for something serious.
Agree but you have to start somewhere. I think 3 time training a week is at least enough to book some improvement.

Again. Just yesterday. Next to police station. As you see many people are concerned about this situation.
I love social media. If you think that 3 hours a week is enough, then I don't want to stand with you when there's real danger afoot. There are many factors that come into play, your physical condition, your ability to learn, your motor skills, and much more. But go for it, definitely, I will pray for you that with that attitude, you never get into a street fight.
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In pattaya, what is the nationality of attackers and victims in general?
The police officer that train me say that there are 2 big problems.

A lot of illegal immigrants. And second a lot of people without address in pattaya.

There is also a problem with Thai teen gangs. I think they just attack each other.

Suspect held in killing of German in Pattaya but read this. German businessman. Chopped in parts in pulled in a fridge.
Reactions: jafo
Good question, but I suggest a more useful line of questioning.
Better to ask, "where?" (locations) and "when?" (times of day or night).
Then easy to avoid those places at those times.
What I've read on local news pages indicates that they are both targeted. According to what I have read, 90% of the incidents occur at the beach and always when it's dark. Mostly the tourist places . The incident above is jomtien beach and the stolen neckless cases happens more on pattaya beach.

I still think that if you avoid this places during this time that there is nothing to worry but this is really a topic now here on local sites .
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if you think you can attend a 14-day course or participate in a bit of training for a year and then you're ready to fight on the street, then you are sorely mistaken
That is 14 days MORE than ANY of these dastardly thieves have EVER trained or prepared for.
They are coming with the
  1. element of surprise,
  2. in gangs,
  3. and hoping NO ONE will fight back.

Their KEY "hope" is for us to "obey" the "police" (another parasite) and hand over our hard-earned possessions.

I'm talking from the perspective of my childhood experience here. Growing up in a few "colonized" countries, locals weren't too happy with my existence. However, a single combo of one or two jabs followed by a right cross instantly took out 99% of dastardly aggressors, as they are NOT trained or prepared for this. They do NOT even have the IQ or discipline to go to a one-day class, let alone 14 days.

You are all FREE to do what you want, but my raison d'etre is to eliminate ALL threats, foreign or domestic...whether they carry badges or not!

No mercy! Take NO prisoners!
When I went to Cambodia more than 20 years ago (and guns were available at markets without much fuzz), I carried a second wallet, with $20 inside (that was the monthly salary of a Cambodian policeman at that time) and some old cards. Losing $20 is cheaper than fixing a cut or gun wound at a hospital, and at that time the robbers would have been satisfied with that.

The security precautions I take vary from place to place, though maybe I should be more careful in western Europe than India next time.
The only thing that kind of sucks is that I can't take part in any crypto events around here, too dangerous to doxx myself when living here long time.
This is PeterTaradash a/k/a Grandpa. The other advice here is all good. I will add a few things.

I have been robbed & burgled maybe half-a-dozen times in my life, but not in the past 10 years.

No 100% guaranty this will work for you, but here are some of the things I do to avoid theft problems.

This season I'm in Manila. Not the safest place on Earth.

I have lived in Panama, Mexico, NYC, and many other places where crime is rampant, but . . .

1) I always try to live or rent in an upmarket, safe well patrolled & guarded neighborhood, in a condo where I can leave my apartment for 6 months & come back to find everything intact. A home in a gated subdivision is good, but not as good as in a high rise with limited access like the Manila Serendra Buildings (with armed guards checking every visitor) in Manila's ultra-safe & super modern BGC (Bonifacio Global City).I had a special extra heavy door with top& side bolts that lock with a special registered 4 sided key.

2) I posted stickers that say "Guarded by video surveillance on all my exterior doors & balcony windows." Before that I made little signs that said (with a skull and crossbones) "Do not open- Danger of Death from Nerve Gas- have antidote atropine ready in case of accidental inhalation" The latter sign even kept the cops out once when they had a search warrant. Valuables like gold coins? Keep in a bank safe deposit box, not a storage facility --. Preferably in Switzerland.

3) A hidden safe in your home is OK, but I would not rely on it for anything really important or valuable.

4) When going out I try to look like a poor slob with tattered shirt , beat up baseball cap "Jesus Loves You" logo, cargo pants, sandals, no jewelry. Never use expensive luggage like Louis Vuitton stuff. That would make you a target. A beat up backpack is best for shopping.

5) I never never would use a cell phone on the street or anywhere that guys in motorbikes could make a quick snatch. Maybe I'd use an i-phone inside an upmarket restaurant or dept. store. But in general I wouldn't even take it outside.

6) Appearance? I keep a decoy wallet with fake ID cards and a few pesos in my back pocket, and my "real" wallet with credit cards, etc. inside a velcro zippered, or well buttoned up cargo short-pants leg pocket. My watches are those $10 black plastic totally valueless Casio's with the same calculator buttons worn by the hero Walter "Heisenberg" in Breaking Bad. To avloid p;ick pockets and snatchers, keep any serious money well hidden on your person in a zip up concealed money belt. My walk is as confident as an 86 year old can manage. Don't dawdle and look around with goo goo eyes like a dumb tourist. In cars, ALWAYS keep the windows up and doors locked. Maybe I will do a blog on this topic this week. I have been robbed half a dozen times in my life, but not in the last ten years, probably because I took the above precautions.

Online Scams?

1) Don’t ever open attachments from unknown to you persons even if the titles are tempting clickbait like

“Naked Girls in your neighborhood who want your body badly.”

2) Don’t ever give out your credit card or bank account #, or other personal info.

3) Stay off “social media” No pictures or info about yourself-unless needed to promote your products or services.

4) Be aware that fake messages from banks or package delivery services may just be to facilitate burglaries or robberies.
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