Banks that require personal visits won't work for us. LeuPay, Revolut, Bunq, N26 - none of these require personal visits.
Personal visits in 2018 is absurd. I don't see how bank can compete with "personal visit" requirement when there are plenty of financial institutions that will open you an account remotely only with document scans.
yep, you are rightNo, I did not. And this is 2018. Things have changed. Rietumu accepted documents remotely even 4-5 years ago. So it is absurd that banks who need "real life visits" think they can compete with Revolut and what not.
If you sign the document, you agree they can deduct any fee or charge of your account. They are required by law to send out your money or they will be fined heavily by FKTK.They have requested to sign the following application (I declined) after the I have provided all the required documents for their made-up due diligence, after I have requested several times to close the account and to transfer all the money to another EU account opened on the name of the same company:
In conjunction with the notification sent by the Bank on 19.03.2018, hereby I request the Bank to:- to
complete the procedure of the enhanced due diligence based on the documents and information, that is
at the disposal of the Bank at the moment of the signing of this application.- to deduct from the current
account and/or any other accounts in the Bank the remuneration of the Bank for the closure of the
accounts/transfers of the funds and any other payments, related to the provision of the services to the
Client in line with the Tariffs of the Bank, as well as to deduct the compensation for the risk in the
amount of EUR 5000.00;- to transfer the remaining funds and/or assets, that are held at the Bank in line
with the payment order forwarded by me, after signing of the given application;- after the transfer of the
funds and/or assets, to close all of the accounts in the Bank and to deem JSC "Rietumu Banka" and
Client Agreement (further – the Agreement) terminated. Likewise I hereby confirm, that - the only
obligation of the Bank is the carrying out of the actions mentioned above;- shall the transfer of the funds
and/or assets turn out to be impossible due to the reasons that do not depend on the Bank, the Client
undertakes to inform the Bank of the correct requisites;- from the moment of the provision of the order
for the transfer of the funds/assets all the obligations of the Bank in relation to the Client shall be
considered fulfilled;- the Client does not have and will not have any demands and /or claims in regard to
the Bank, its officials and employees; - all the complaints/claims/ appeals of the Client to the
Bank/regulator and to the third parties, in relation to the provision of the service by the Bank to the
Client, among others the completion by the Client of the procedure of the enhanced due diligence in the
Bank, shall be considered to be entirely regulated and resolved between the Bank and Client, or third
parties, attracted by the Client;- the client will observe the provisions of the confidentiality and the
non-disclosure, foreseen by the Agreement, among others, in relation to the completion of the procedure
of the enhanced due diligence and the communication with the Bank, and likewise Client will observe
the provisions of the confidentiality and non-disclosure after the termination of the Agreement;- the given
application is priority and final document in regard to the obligations of the Client towards the Bank that
arise from the legal relationship in line with the Agreement. Conditions, laid down in the application
prevail over the conditions of the agreements and arrangements that were signed or sent to the Bank by
the Client beforehand. Likewise, the application cancels any other arrangements, oral or written
between the Bank and the Client, Client and third parties in regard to the subject of the Agreement and
contains the complete agreement between the Bank and the Client. - the given application was drafted
and signed in the language clear to the Client, freely and without misconception, fraud or coercion.
Good, let us know how it goes. Keep us updated. We need to wreck this s**t institution.This Application is Extortion, according to Section 183 of Latvian Criminal Law
Also, their entire action might be considered as Fraud in large scale, according to Section 177 of the Latvian Criminal Law together with Section 48 art. 3 of the same Latvian Criminal Law.
I am preparing a Criminal complaint against the Bank and against its officials.
I suggest to anyone n this situation to write a message on the Internet Banking system saying the "you are preparing a letter to report your situation including money estrortion and unreasonably high fees to the Latvian money and capital commission and EU commission". They should inform you that your funds are released and you can transfers them to an account in the same name to another bank. It didi work for me. I wish you luck, and I am open to a class action. - Have a nice we
I did the same. However, I got this message 3 days ago and money still stuck.I highly recommend to follow this advise. After informing about my intention to prepare complaints for these commissions Rietumu came very active. I got my money out in 2 days
Rietumu wants an account in Europe that is in company's name. Company registered in Seychelles.
Yes, true, but that was not the topic we were discussing.Hmm! Looks like it's not a full member but adheres to the OECD exchange of information.
Andorra commits to automatic exchange of information in tax matters - OECD
We are looking for all recent victims of Rietumu fraud, specifically where the accounts were:
- suddenly converted from USD to EUR
- frozen for incoming and outgoing transfers
- closed under Clause 15.7 (Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance)
- funds seized or frozen without an explanation
Some background:
We are a small international IT consulting firm with clients and employees located in various international locations. We have used an off-shore company for our operation in order to have each employee and shareholder liable for their own taxes in their own jurisdiction - a pretty standard use of offshore companies.
We have had an account with Rietumu since 2013. Running a very clean operation - all wires in and out properly documented and invoiced, no cash operations whatsoever (no cash withdrawals or deposits), maintaining proper books.
On 23 February 2018, we received a notice from a "Jelena Fjodorova", about the termination of legal relations. We were given until 23 April 2018 to transition to another bank.
This notice notwithstanding, we found our account frozen at the end of March, with another letter from "Rietumu Banka" (anonymous) dated 19 March 2018 stating that the Bank is terminating our relationship effective immediately under Clause 15.7 (the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.)
The remaining funds (just under 5,000 EUR) were stolen under the guise of a Clause 15.7 "maintenance fee" (which just happens to be 5,000 EUR).
We would like to file a class action lawsuit against Rietumu to recover the stolen funds.
If you were a victim of their fraud, please send me a private message. They think they can break the law with impunity because their victims are offshore companies. Well, not this company. We have not broken any laws or evaded any taxes and we will not stand for it.
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