Rietumu - for all victims of fraudulent account closure and theft of funds

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@Steve Camp

First of all, my problem is not with Rietumu, i got a similar problem with an EMI.
We are 7 companies , so the global amount we fight for is around 350.000 euros , we payed 10.000 euros and 10% of the amount if it's a success. Concerning the name of the lawyer i'll ask the Admin if it s possible to ads it here.
The cost is acceptable. You can send lawyer info to me @ mudmangr@gmail.com

Appreciate the help
I would also greatly appreciate the information on the lawyer firm you used. I am out over 35K USD with this scam,

Thanks, Steve
Hello, guys

Last friday, I was in Riga and we sue bank.
For now we are looking for more Rietumu victims, to whom bank made "haircut" proposal.
If you not agreed to sign this proposal yet and ready to file application to latvian police - you are welcome join to us.
More companies will file this "group" application to police - more serious this will be.

What are required from your side:
1) "clean" business
2) any evidences about scam
3) NOT signed "peace agreement" with bank

What you will receive:
1) seriously strenghten your position when negotiating with bank
2) strenghten position of "group" application
3) chance to jail people from Rietumu
4) chance to initiate a big scandal (of course your name/company name will be NOT disclosed publicly)

All your actions may be done remotely (no need to visit Riga).
Yes, this will cost approximately few hundred euro for you, but you already lost much more, right?.

If you are ready to fight - please write to rietumuscam@gmail.com
I do have the signed agreement but all lawyers told me that this agreement is null and void, because I had to sign it under pressure.
Also I have call recordings where the bank manager tells me that my only way to get money is to give them the "fine".
So, if you are interested, I am in. And I am in Latvia till September.

Please don't take this wrong but how do we know this is not another scam? A few hundred from many can amount to a lot. I don't want to get scammed again by sending money to unknowns. Do you have any information on any of the people that are on the site regarding this?
I have finally closed the account but lost 35K USD in 5 months with this fraud bank & I am willing to join any ongoing litigations. Please contact me so we can discuss it further at mudmangr@yahoo.com

Wrong quote I suppose.
I do have the signed agreement but all lawyers told me that this agreement is null and void, because I had to sign it under pressure.

this is hard to prove

Also I have call recordings where the bank manager tells me that my only way to get money is to give them the "fine".
So, if you are interested, I am in. And I am in Latvia till September.

this recordings made without their agreement -> I am sure they will not accepted by court, but not sure how police will react on them.
I will ask my lawyer and back to you.

@steve, I replied to you privately.
I just received this from a local Latvia Lawyer and it does not look promising. At 70 Euro an hour only a class action would be viable financially.

Please let me know anyone has a more positive outlook.

Dear Steve,

I have I have read attached files, and unfortunately nothing new to me in actions of the Bank. As I understood you have already submitted several notices to Latvian governing or regulating organizations and still didn’t receive any reply.

Some of my colleagues who entered this battle with bank earlier have receive FMFC reply, that the client shall submit case to the court and see what will court decides. But at the same time court don’t really want to accept claims against Rietumu so bank client doesn’t have any protections against bank actions.

I would be happy to provide you any problem solving information, even for free, but I don’t have one, and as according to my information, no one does.

Me with few clients, who are ready to fight against bank actions, are trying to do anything, but still have no result. So I’m not sure that I can help you with some useful advice or 100% guaranteed result, the only thing that I can promise is to continue fighting bank until we get some result. Meanwhile I don’t want to transform these procedures into money making from non-useful document preparing. My regular hourly rate is 70 euros, but the best thing we can do with your case is to discuss strategies of actions and decide what next shall we do.

Any way if you would like to speak on future cooperation please contact me via e-mail or by phone +371 29866579.

Best Regards

Andrey N

How do I contact you via private message?
How do I contact you via private message?
Anna Golovina is no longer at the bank. She was my personal manager and I was never assigned a new one. I have been on contact with many of the victims and to date there seems to be nothing we can do either as individuals or a group. The Ombudsman were useless as were all the other agencies I contacted. Either everyone is corrupt or they don't give a damn. As for the lawyer, At 70 e an hour I foresee a large bill with no guarantee. we need a lawyer that is willing to fight this case for a percentage of the refund we may receive.
All interested parties I can me contacted: mudmangr@gmail.co
All interested:
I received this from the OFFSHORE Global Group. Again it doesn't look promising as it is still in the hands of the currupt Lativians.

Hello Steve,

The lawsuit will be filed against the illegal actions of the bank.

Such as

• unreasonable blocking of accounts

• failure to use blocked funds

• unagreed multiple increases in tariffs for the maintenance of accounts • unauthorized withdrawals from the c’stomers' accounts in favor of the bank

These actions can be considered as fraudulent, and accordingly the Rietumu Bank, or rather its owners, in the very near future may be prosecuted. At the moment a group of lawyers are preparing the necessary documents for submission to the judicial authorities and the Latvian Criminal Police.

If you or your company have encountered problems related to illegal actions on the part of the Rietumu Bank, we can include your claims in a class action lawsuit against the Rietumu Bank, which is currently being prepared by our company.

I am sending you information regarding the collective action.

Required documents:

1. Set of docs under apostille.

• Certificate of Incumbency

• Good Standing

• M & AA

2. A notarized Power of attorney from the company's director in the Latvian language.

The power of attorney in Latvian and English is attached.

3. The company's current account number and ID number in the Rietumu Bank.

4. Correspondence with the bank regarding the issue (if possible)

Cost of services.

The cost of participation in the collective lawsuit is 1500 Euro.

If we win the case your 1000 Euro will be refunded.

If the decision on the case is not made in favor of the claimants, the amount will not be refunded.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.

Best regards,

Irina Kudryavtseva
Has anyone managed to get the funds transferred from Reitumu to LeuPay ?
Will LeuPay accept transfers from Reitumu ?
Do you believe that you will see just a single EUR from this so called bank? I don't believe that any of the people here will. I also questions the so called "laweyer" and OFFSHORE Global Group which I believe just cashing in on victims of this bank!

Why would you want to ask if they can send money to LeuPay if chances that you get any money are 0% ?
Reactions: David97255
Attention to everyone.
I have been in contact with a Lawyer in Latvia who is will to take on the case with as many people we can offer. He will take a percentage of the settlement per client which we will negotiate with him. I had a long conversation with him on the phone today & he was very interested in taking this to court because it has never been done before. Thisis the first decent reply I have received for all of the messages I have sent. We all have nothing to loose & everything to gain. Do not drag you feet on this.

I you are ready to go forward with this please contact him at the following address in Latvia.
Andrey Nikiforovs
Have you checked this "lawyer" website? Main partners on website: ABLV; Rietumu Bank; Baltikums ; Norvik Bank
Looks very suspiciously
Reactions: David97255
Don't worry I have received the following answer from Andrey,
One of our leading partners before worked with Rietumu, but not anymore, so there is no conflict of interest. Remember he will get nothing if he does not win.

So far no one has sent any request to the lawyer. What has happened to all of you? This is a great chance to see if we can recover any of our money. Please contact me asap.
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