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Good evening, what do you think of REWEL Club, has anyone had any experience with this institution? Am I sure?
Hello! I visited their webpage, but frankly, I didn't understand a thing about what they offer. Even their lovely video didn't help. Please share your use case—what you would like to do with them? And, of course, start by checking their domain, and verify their legitimacy on LinkedIn or other social media/open media resources
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link and more details please, what the hell are they doing?
Ciao! Ho visitato la loro pagina web, ma francamente non ho capito niente di quello che offrono. Anche il loro bel video non ha aiutato. Condividi il tuo caso d'uso: cosa ti piacerebbe farne? E, naturalmente, inizia controllando il loro dominio e verifica la loro legittimità su LinkedIn o altre risorse di social media/open media
Ciao, grazie per la tua risposta Propongo conti correnti con IBAN della Gran Bretagna. Quello che vorrei è avere un conto corrente sicuro fuori dall'Europa dove depositare i miei risparmi e anche per effettuare dei bonifici da parte dei miei clienti della mia attività individuale
Hello! I visited their webpage, but frankly, I didn't understand a thing about what they offer. Even their lovely video didn't help. Please share your use case—what you would like to do with them? And, of course, start by checking their domain, and verify their legitimacy on LinkedIn or other social media/open media resources

Hi, thanks for your reply. I propose current accounts with IBAN from Great Britain. What I would like is to have a secure current account outside Europe to put my savings in and also to send some bank transfers from my clients of my individual business
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Ciao, grazie per la tua risposta Propongo conti correnti con IBAN della Gran Bretagna. Quello che vorrei è avere un conto corrente sicuro fuori dall'Europa dove depositare i miei risparmi e anche per effettuare dei bonifici da parte dei miei clienti della mia attività individuale

Hi, thanks for your reply. I propose current accounts with IBAN from Great Britain. What I would like is to have a secure current account outside Europe to put my savings in and also to send some bank transfers from my clients of my individual business
Thank you for your reply! I got you, I think you should consider setup Hong Kong company and have a bank account there. It is more relevant for out-of-europe payments and reliable taxation. Let me know what you think. IMHO trusting to belarussian payments business is not worth a risk right now