Revolut US closed my account


Active Member
Apr 21, 2022
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Hi everyone,

I had an account with Revolut US, which is in my opinion the best EMI. Multi-currency account, multi-currency debit card for me and all employees, 1.9% cashback (no rewards but real cash). Just perfect.

Unfortunately, I only bought €50 worth of bitcoin via Moonpay for the first time because I bought on a Russian site that doesn't accept cards, and 24 hours after the account was closed. For me I suspect that it is linked to Bitcoin, I didn't know that it was forbidden, I don't know anything about crypto, besides when I did some research Revolut advertises itself as "crypto-friendly".

I'm not even really sure it's Bitcoin because they refuse to give a reason.

Fortunately they allow 2 months to transfer the funds, which I was able to do, but I find that excessive.

In short, avoid it.
Good advice. Avoid Revolut if you're buying bitcoin via Moonpay on a Russian website. In fact, avoid every single western bank if you by crypto and involve Russia.

This is entirely on you, I'm afraid. I don't like or agree with Revolut's policies and they have a tendency to overreact, but they aren't exactly secret. It's like when you go to someone's house and they ask you to take off your shoes or ask you to not go upstairs or whatever. You're a guest and follow your host's wishes even if you don't like them.
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