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So Switzerlands second biggest bank you can't find info on? I leave you to it. Have a good . I can't take you serious when you say that CS is not a real private bank.

Their website does not disclose any info about segregated accounts. Anyway when i tried to open account with them , They cannot onboard crypto. So I do not know! Thats the truth.
Here an example of real private bank:


we are getting a bit off topic here... nevertheless
looking at their pricelist https://www.abnamroprivatebanking.g...O_Schedule_of_Fees_as_at_1st_January_2018.pdf it seems surprisingly cheap to me even more if you only hold the money there and don't use all those fancy services (yet I have no experience with this kind of banking)
what's the advantage of having such an account? the good feeling/belief that your money is there an available whenever you ask for it no matter what? or the fact they are crypto-friendly (meaning allowing you to deposit well-documented and clear crypto gains which in my opinion isn't that complicated with many banks)
how did you choose this bank? looking at the website I believe there are tens/hundreds of similar institutions presenting themselves the exact same way on the first look - maybe some personal trusted reference?

It's an example. I bank with Barclays Wealth.

There are is lot of advantages. It's like comparing toyota (Retail) to ferrari (Private).
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