Yesterday, after arranging a call meeting with an agent of Euro Pacific bank, after 15 minutes of questions and sharing information ( they really wanted to know who I am, where are the incomes coming from, properties., how much was I supposed to use every month of the money I was about to deposit in the account, How much Was I suppposed to be spending through the
debit card everymonth.......) I received an email, kindly refusing to open an account in his bank.
Dear Peter,
It was very nice speaking with you on the phone.
I have submitted the application to our Compliance team and unfortunately, it was declined as a result of their internal review process.
Kindly note that the intended account activity is not allowed in a personal account. We recommend setting up a Company and applying for a Corporate account, in order to receive the intended payments.
In addition to that, you could also re-apply later for two personal accounts (one for yourself and another one for your wife), to facilitate transfers from your Company, if so you wish.
Card fees for POS (point of sale) use are paid by the customer.
You have a very interesting profile, but we are unable to help for now.
Thank you for considering Euro Pacific Bank Ltd for your business.
Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Many thanks!
Kind regards,
Marcelo Persano / Onboarding Specialist
+1-888-527-4041x217 /
Skype: mpersano-epb / Schedule a call:
Online appointment scheduling
Euro Pacific Bank Ltd.
53 Palmeras St, 10th Floor, San Juan 00901, Puerto Rico / tel: +1-787-280-9766 / fax: +1784-453-2085
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After that I think I´m flying to MACEDONIA to open an account, if I´m able to get the answers about the characteristics of the accounts in the differents banks I have been checking, or , as I have to stay there for 3 days, because of my way back home flight, I will be going arround the differents banks in the capital, Skopje.
At the moment it seems that the best one could be a filial of the SOCIETE GENERAL,
I know there is another bank in Puerto Rico, opening accounts remotly(ANDCAPITAL I think) but no answer yet to the mail I sent.
Any idea will be welcome at all.