Remote bank account opening in non AEOI/CRS country?

There is no such country therefore he mentioned the other EMI providers! Forget about banking with real banks and without reporting! It does not exists and not at all for personal accounts!
There are several countries which are not participating in the AEOI/CRS framework. The only question is whether there is any bank in one of those which is willing to open an account remotely. I'm not looking for any tax advantage and I don't need this for tax reasons but for privacy reasons.
There are many jurisdiction where you can open a bank account remotely, however I'd do it with caution. Euro Pacific Bank for example requires a few documents, including a recommendation from your local bank and their fees are very high, like 10 dollars per transaction.
In my opinion they'll send your account information anyway because they're obligated to do so whether with TIN or without. That's why they signed the IGAs with so many countries and now they're going to send company account's too from 2018 or 2019.

EuroPacific is IGA jurisdiction. In other words automatic exchange of information, same as AEOI/CRS.
Like I said, US is an IGA jurisdiction which is the same as AEOI/CRS. Northern Cyprus is a risky jurisdiction and I guess there aren't many banks in Sri Lanka which opens accounts remotely.
If you check my posts you will find some proposal, generally ME and RS. Usual you will give a POA to a attorney/trustee who will open a Bank account in your name, let's name this Remote opening.
I personal have only good experience with Banks in both countries and actual all the time I would prefer them to any CY/BZ Bank plus you got as benefit no AEOI.