Received a SMS message from First Abu Dhabi Bank, UAE "we need more information on transactions on your credit card / FAB account..."

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Secondly to spend your money on hookers here is completely normal and will be thought of as quite normal.
From our all knowing friend, unless things changed after September 2021:
I can't tell my bank I spent money on hookers because that would mean account closure or worse.
You do make me laugh.
Reminds me of one of my last years living in UK and having a Biz in London.
At an end of a Financial Year meeting with my dedicated banker, at the Branch, just behind Oxford St in Portman Square, a young guy (and in those days very amicable, approachable and friendly - NOT like today's robotic morons), would have been around 1990-91, Nick his name was, and he said 'well Mr ........... it seems as though you had a successful year, as you have paid yourself 50 grand (GBP50k) in the last year. However .................................................. you spent 51k on your life'! I replied 'yes, but living in St John's Wood, lot's of women and pubbing/clubbing it most nights of the week does have it's costs'. He smiled and said, 'yes I envy you, but do try to keep the ex's under your earnings next year'. 'Yes Boss' I replied, We stood, shook hands and parted company half smiling/half laughing.
Oh how I do miss the life in London in the 80's/90's, and I am talking about the convivial, helpful Banks ALSO!!!

You can still for the moment do WHAT YOU WISH with your money, until the 'powers that be' decide (they have already decided) that we shall have (MUST have for all our security you understand) CBDCs and of course Electronic Wallets (controlled by them), and THAT will be the absolute END OF OUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM! (which is why we are all here on this forum)
I can't tell my bank I spent money on hookers because that would mean account closure or worse.
Did you pay her with your credit/debit card?
If affirmative, next time, get cash at an ATM. Has been working for me for the past +40 years.
Preferably, it's best to teach them to accept Monero or even the lightning network. They can "use" it forward or SWAP it if they need another "currency"!
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