Receive a 240k bank transfer on corporate Wise

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After they sent me an email to say that I should email: largetransfers [АТ] before further large transfers; I guess that is now.
exactly how they work.. so far it looks like they care about their customers and try to take an extra step to not look like most other shitty services i..e PayPal, Skrill, various banks and more.
Reactions: AMD and 4br
exactly how they work.. so far it looks like they care about their customers and try to take an extra step to not look like most other shitty services i..e PayPal, Skrill, various banks and more.

That's been my experience so far.

Everything I have dealt with them on has been resolved in 24 hours so far as I can remember.

The support has always been good.

One time I was cut off on a call or a live chat (don't remember) and I thought it was another fob off, but they messaged me later to apologies and fixed the issue.

The card is good if you can get it.

Excellent, service, low rates.

There are some horror stories about them, though in my experience they are very good.
Last year done a 138k euro and this year a 187k euro, not from Stripe but B2B and the moment the wires went my way, I told client to get me their banking wire reference and I immediatly emailed Wise with invoices to cover the wire, no questions asked after, so make sure you eithet contact them beforehand or immediatly after the transfer happens.
Reactions: CaptK and 4br

Off-topic, but I also moved to Cyprus recently and am doing dropshipping.
Do you have a good accountant/bookkeeper to recommend?
Thank you!
Reactions: KScyprus and Marios
Had 4 corporate accounts and one personal with Wise for a few months. All went well also for larger 6 figures transfers, until they rejected a balance transfer from the same company with another bank and following that decided to close all the accounts. No explanation provided.
So, it’s only good until it lasts. Certainly not to be relied on as you only banking solution.
Reactions: KScyprus
Hi Carlo, thanks for your experience.
I have received several requests for information and are still awaiting the conclusion of the process.

Do you know any good alternatives to Wise?
Hi Carlo, thanks for your experience.
I have received several requests for information and are still awaiting the conclusion of the process.

Do you know any good alternatives to Wise?
Good alternatives: no.
Alternatives: many, read the forum and do your homework.
Hopefully soon banks and fiat will become irrelevant and we can just use crypto for everything!