I am here in the hope of establishing business relations with you. We specialize in providing offshore merchant account and third party merchant account payment solutions to online businesses. We have excellent risk management system that can prevent frauds, chargeback and stolen cards.
And you are a god damn spammer which business can't be good since you need to spam forums for your services.
Where is the ADMIN to delete this POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats proberly the same companies that cheat other merchants and by that give this industry a very bad reputation.... stay away guys or make some serious business.:tinysmile_angry2_t:
You know me, nice! but look at my posts I don't just came here to spam this forum with my services I have provided a lot of useful information to the community and just after your first post you start with offering your services here, this is poor SPAM.
Good they removed your initial thread which also didn't belong in the paypal forum, again just spam.
yes, i noticed, you will really want to help others just want attract thier attention. then offer you products to them. you really have a perfect spam and swindle . i will be honest to every body. any time. no lie.