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Question about safe deposit box rental

That depends on why you want to store it in a safety deposit box, what are the objectives?
Renting it yourself has simplicity and fewer potential future roadblocks.
Renting it in the name of another legal entity allows you to easily transfer it later which can also have downsides.

Regardless.. i dont suggest just putting the whole seed in a safety deposit box clearly legible for the holder to see. Shamir backup is a better option, allowing you redundancy and no one party keeping the full seed.
If the crypto is yours personally then rent a box in your name.

I wouldn't mix corporate and personal items keeping in mind the safety deposit boxes are part of beneficial ownership registers under AMLD5 and can be shared with other countries. If the assets of your company get frozen then that will include the contents of box. So if you have personal items in there a third-party might be able to gain access to the box with the understanding its contents belong to the company.