Reading this explanation of CFC:
Can someone please explain how would this work?
Let's say person A makes money by giving consulting services, and they have a family member, person B, living in Cayman Islands or Monaco.
If person B is the owner of the company, but person A is the one doing the work, wouldn't that trigger some questions from the bank in Cayman Islands or Monaco regarding the business?
Not interested in relocating yourself? Relocate a trusted family member instead. The respective family member can hold shares in a legal way. They can manage your income without bothering about CFC rules and laws.
Relocate someone to the Cayman Islands or perhaps Monaco – you can then continue making money without wasting it on tax. Obviously, the most recommended strategy is relocating yourself. But then, this is not always the case.
Can someone please explain how would this work?
Let's say person A makes money by giving consulting services, and they have a family member, person B, living in Cayman Islands or Monaco.
If person B is the owner of the company, but person A is the one doing the work, wouldn't that trigger some questions from the bank in Cayman Islands or Monaco regarding the business?