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that is an interesting take. Maybe Bitcoin is actually intended to be implemented and adopted due to its deflationary nature?
Divya Bhaskar - Wikipedia

If I do not trust highest circulation newspaper , whom to trust.
Some of the highest circulation newspapers in the U.S., previously with sterling reputations, are now the least trustworthy. One of the biggest political news stories of the past week in the U.S. is how the top-rated news program, "60-minutes," purposely slandered the Governor of Florida.
Reactions: troubled soul
that is an interesting take. Maybe Bitcoin is actually intended to be implemented and adopted due to its deflationary nature?
Of course it is.Bitcoin is a bankers product which was created in 2006.
Satoshi Nakamoto is the joke name for Sa msung
Toshi ba
Naka michi
Moto rola
All important companies for the systematical change.

Bitcoin is a live testnet for their new monetary system.People thinking Bitcoin is annonym and safe are so naiv.Already in 2012 FBI reports claimed that they are able to identify 98% of all bitcoin transactions.
2% which were hidden at that time where OTC transactions.
Also bitcoin is a marketing tool to accept the new virtual monetary system which will have a negative interrest rate.Would it not exist the resistance against virtual money would be way bigger.
Of course Covid happened exectly in the time where the transformation is happeing.The massiv advertisement of using contactless transaction and the decrease of 75% of cash transaction in the EU is surely just a coincidence.Banks splitting into investment banks and customer banks clearly shows they are dumping customer banks as they won't be needed anymore.

It's all show.All work together.The only enemies are US/EU (Vasall) and BRICS in regards to gain as much power as they can.
US wanted to have a single polar monetary system which they couldn't enforce against BRICS back in 2012/13 as they clearly won the economical battle against US.So we will get now a new tri polar virtual world monetary system.

BTW if you have some know how about how crypto works and have some brain you will quickly see that bitcoins price can be destroyed anytime by governments as they wish.If you know historical attempts of implementing alternative currencies it got quickly destroyed everywhere in the world as soon as it had more than 1000 participants.So why no action on bitcoin ?Because its their own baby.