Prop Firms, EA's and Trading Gurus (Looking for Experienced Traders in FOREX - STCOKS - Commodities)


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May 3, 2020
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Hello, it's been a While I hope Y'all doing Well. the forum Changed quite a Lot since the Last Time I checked, I like it.

Today, I would like to talk about a Field that I am absolutely Passionate about, and this is Trading. I've been Trading and investing since 5 years Now. I went Through a Lot, Blew up so many Accounts, Went Through so many Courses, Got Scammed so many Times in the DEFI Space and Trading Space that, IT is safe to say to say that I am completely Jaded an Tired of not being able to be Around Solid, Trustworthy individuals that know what they're Talking about.

This is why, I am asking this question for All Investors and Profitable Traders out There in the Forum. Which Trading Mentor or Gurus Allowed you to Finally become Successful and Consistently Profitable or to Get Funded With a Prop Firm?
Because I can Safely Say that I went through All of them Even the most Reputable One like Anton Kriel who Allegedly was a Traders at Goldmann Sachs. And his course is Absolutely Rubbish and a Waste of Time.

Does anybody here is a Funded Trader at a Prop firm or is Managing is own Private Fund?

Are you Guys using EA's? and if yes, do you have any Reputable and Trustworthy Source that you used in order to purchase EA's?

And What's your Opinion about The Recent Hype Around SMC (Smart Money Concept)? For a Neophyte it Does Sound Good and Look Good but It does look like a Scam when you dig a little deeper.

Let me know your Thoughts and Let's have a Conversation About it.
Reactions: Mister Sir
Seems you went through tough times. I won't offer a solution to you, will just give you the feeling I have being a trader as well. Finding a mentor online sounds like a very difficult thing to reach, for the simple reason that I don't see why a successful trader would bother taking responsibility of other people's trade, unless he needs some kind of subscription's fee, but then it would means he is not a good trader. So my fear for you is that online, most will fail you.

Got lucky on my side to get hired at prop trading firm when I was young and got mentored there. As you figured out, a trustworthy and experienced mentor seems like a necessity in that field, so easy to make deadly mistakes.

I don't know about EA's and SMC, I guess I am trading old school.
I appreciate your Response. Indeed I went through a lot of Trials and Tribulations but it was worth it, because I ended up taking my life to a whole new level thanks to cryptocurrency.
But I still want to Master the Art of Trading since I am just Infatuated by it. but Lately, I've been Really Drained by the Influx of Hustlers and Scammers in both Crypto and Trading Spaces.
I just wanna find a way to connect with Actual Pro in the Industry That are genuinely making a living out of it, and not by selling empty courses and Useless Trading Signal.
I wish you well in your search, I can't really help you in the way that I have no contact to give you and I also cannot offer my mentorship. I do respect what you have been doing though and I wish you success. Have you explored a bit the finance sphere of twitter ? You MAY find some interesting people there , but also lots of garbage selling subscriptions. It also nicely helps keep up with the live news.

I think they are some other guys here doing trading. Not much in stocks, even less in commo, but seems like a lot in crypto. Perhaps they can help.
I've been a swing trader for 24 years and the best that you can do is read books until you develop your own system.

Generally following someone else's system doesn't work.

I would also read all Market Wizards books by Jack Schwager, arguably the best books on trading that you can read, among others.

Best of luck!
Reactions: jafo and JohnnyDoe
It's very simple, prop firms have a 92% failure rate, only the top 1% using them make any meaningful profits, the other factor is it costs $500,000/yr to train someone to be successful in the markets, it's why revenue per employee of good banks are $1million to $2million per year.

Unless you plan to set up a family office or private fund, private trading $10,000s / $100,000s in to $2million / $5million / $10million to seed the fund vehicle no one will make a return on investment, it takes minimum 1yr but usually 2yrs to gain enough knowledge to be able to self trade.
I'd like to react to your sentence "Because I can Safely Say that I went through All of them". Are you sure it's about the knowledge or educational contents and not a psychological bias?

Many people, whatever the field, feel the need to buy "that new course" hoping it would bring them a magical recipe quite easy to apply.

The bad news is that it doesn't exist. These people often just need a few things: persistence, sticking to a method that suits their personality, and.... working HARD. Over and over, until mastering every component of the trading system and reaching the good mindset.

In other words, I've difficulties to imagine that all clients/traders having learned from/practiced with the experienced traders you're referring to, are all unsuccessful.
Reactions: Radko
Generally following someone else's system doesn't work.
100% this! Best advice!
+99.99% of people want an easy solution. This is palatable to the masses but what is "easy" in the beginning, e.g. just copying someone else, will have dire consequences in the end.
A wise old man once told me: It's like food allergies.
Reactions: Radko
Selling trading systems/courses today is the best way to make money on financial markets.
Low cost brokers ruined the business years ago, when you could charge $30/40 RT, churning was not that illegal, and post trade allocation was possible, so you didn’t even need to setup an O’Hare play to make an indecent amount of money
Reactions: Radko
There are no good courses to make a career, it costs $100,000s to train someone to make a career in the markets, it's why banks have revenue per employee numbers around $1,000,000, there are a few good courses to get you to 80% of sideline profits (15-20% per year on residual capital) but finding them out of the 1,000s which are worthless is a long road, many times in life you get what you pay for so look for the most expensive and work your way backwards, it's simpler.
Thanks for the info. Might be relevant in some cases indeed. Though I believe we're off topic, better to use another thread.
Reactions: Radko
As someone that has developed and traded with EAs for over 10 years I can say it is not worth it anymore. You are trading against the broker. The will alter ticks, create slippage so you loose in the longer run.
Buy this man a coffee!

The most honest insightful admission I've read in a long time.

Thank you!
Reactions: Radko
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