Poor man's bank for Seychelles IBC

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Crap banks: Loyal (in liquidation), Euro Pacific, Private Pacific, Caye, Choice, Vivier ... and company

Choice also in liquidation.

What the problem with Caye? And I am interested in opinion about the whole bank system of Belize: Atlantic International Bank, Heritage, Belize Bank International. Maybe someone has comments about each one, any experience, service denial etc.

I know, that all offshore banks are risky, but what to do except go to EU and open EU banks.
It's only my opinion again to avoid any negative comment.
But if you ask me , go to EU banks, and of course not every countries and not every banks.
It s doesn't sounds very offshore but between all the offshore advantages , privacy, reduction of taxes etc... There is also the asset protection .. I m now days into asset protection only.
Reactions: MrTony

You know HB Management in Curacao so ? or E-management as they also are named? They are as good as armi corp which I personally have had the pleasure to meat with
You know HB Management in Curacao so ? or E-management as they also are named? They are as good as armi corp which I personally have had the pleasure to meat with

Not heard of either of them.
Ok, folks, I have good news!

Sorry for not participating, I was busy with work and finding a solution to my predicament.

I have contacted 47 banks (sigh) and God knows how many EMI-s and none seemed to work because I'm not a EU resident. Out of all of them, I got a positive only on these three:

- BankOne - I contacted them but they were not too happy with me but it turns out my agent is an introducer for them. I had no idea of the fact before I actually contacted them. Anyhow, I'm signing up with them at the moment. Please note that you must have a really well written plan before getting the green light to open an account if you don't have an introducer. Remote opening is an option.

- Deutsche Handelsbank was happy to take me as a client but they want a metric ton of documents before opening an account. Also, there is no monthly fee.

- Qazkom bank is also a solution but they are unclear if you have to be present to open an account.

As for EMI, I got a recommendation from a friend for Virpay but haven't tested them. I have sent them an email and they told me that they will have debit cards in the next few months but no specifics.

I hope this post helps those with not so deep pockets.
Good luck!
Reactions: JohnLocke

Hey douchebag, I didn't have much of a choice when I selected Choice Bank aside from my existing banking that I have established in Hong Kong. And no I am not interested in your shitty bank you are shilling that got licensed last year. You're talking about how crappy Choice Bank was on one hand while on the other hand shilling a bank with no established history.
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Reactions: negon
Also I didn't go search for your old posts you egomaniac. Your life and posts aren't that interesting. I was browsing the forum and happened to encounter one of your posts and wow what a shocker that you act like a condescending prick.

And it's pretty obvious you don't even believe in the BVI bank you were spamming in the Choice Bank thread.

lol....... You always have a choice (no pun intended). You can choose not go with a sh*t bank or choose to do so. You chose to do so, so what does that say about your intelligence and common sense..lol? Never known someone who opened an account with a sh*t Belize Bank and then watch the bank go under and get so upset....lol. . Why are you acting like a and getting angry at me numpty? I had nothing to do with Choice bank or it going under....lol.

Yes I presented an alternative bank for BVI's, but people who use offshore bank whether it is bankasia or caye bank etc in any banana republic including Eastern Europe (ABLV, Reitmnu etc) should understand the dangers already and factor this in to their decision.

You did go search for my old post so stop it...lol . Look your really angry at yourself aren't you....lol . Again I have done nothing to you and your just mad pacing back and forth in your home trying to blame others for your lack of intelligence. I never asked you to open an account with Choice. You made that choice. File your claim with them and move along - nothing to see folks.

nb. After Choice Bank and LoyalBank roll on Euro Pacific Bank thread . I wonder who will start that thread as people STILL DO NOT learn when they see sh*t banks loose correspondence accounts and card relationships they CONTINUE to bank with them. To everyone look carefully at offshoreoperator as that is how you might end up acting when you don't follow common sense or instinct in offshore banking

"A fool and his money are easily parted"
Reactions: negon
If you look at my post in Choice Bank you can see that I wasn't that upset at all. Disapointed yes, but it's not the end of the world since it's not the primary bank I used for banking. Most of the funds are in a Hong Kong corporate account, NOT at Choice Bank. At Choice the BVI company had the minimum deposit just in case the HK bank decided to start closing down all BVI company accounts. It was never a place for life savings or anything like that. They haven't though, but I still want a backup bank account just in case it ever happens.

What upset me is what a massive condescending tool you are when you post comments responding to people (you were responding to another guy not to me directly). Look at the way you piss all over people calling them stupid, etc. And you really are up your own a*s. I bet you like the smell of your own flatulence.
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The truth is always ugly and hurtful I know . Just fill out your Choice Bank claims form and quit sulking. .

I'm sure tons of people secretly hate your egotistical a*s on here.

Why would I even care...lol. Your living in a fantasy world. People are here for advice and free exchange of knowledge and advice. You thought this was Facebook or IG where you befriend ppl? Dude never loose sleep in life worrying about what others think of you in cyberspace.
People are here for advice and free exchange of knowledge and advice
People are here to share experiences, opinions, and hopefully form a mutually beneficial community. Your constant belligerent and dismissive attitude is not helping in facilitating that. In fact, it is turning good people off this place. You have been told this by numerous people, numerous times, maybe it is time to stop for a minute, and really consider how you present yourself and your arguments in a more respectful way that can create fruitful discussions. It would make for far more interesting interactions than the current spiral of abuse and retorts.

100% agree Nyep! I think Martin Everson is a Gordon Gekko / Donald Trump wannabe that think you need to be a total a*****e to people in order to look "good". In reality Martin Everson's behavior clearly shows he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. He constantly needs to project and put people down in order to elevate himself and quite frankly it's pathetic.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed his extremely negative behavior. The admin of this site should be aware that Martin Everson is alienating people from his forum with his toxicity and indeed is provoking conflicts. After all I didn't just randomly decide to pick a fight with someone who was giving advice. I was immediately irritated by the fact that he's just shitting all over people.

Also Martin Everson some advice: Your constant use of emojis make you look like a massive douche.
Also Martin Everson some advice: Your constant use of emojis make you look like a massive douche.

Keep the insults coming. Lol at the insults I am getting over a single comment I made in jest about your choice of bank (no pun intended) on the thread below. You went straight off the deep end. No rational sane human being does this...lol.

New bank for BVI

The fact is I speak the bitter sweet truth and the truth will always offend then feel free to argue my points I make. If I am not speaking the truth then correct me as people do on this forum already. Read the thread properly and ask why the abuse against me started and where the abuse continues to come from . Unfortunately I don't get upset in cyberspace and you should not either. Keep it light hearted if you can and stop getting so easily upset .

Nobody is abusing you. Drop the victim complex, it's pathetic. You were being belligerent to people and you were called out on it. You clearly don't like it and call it "abuse", but it's a little taste of your own medicine since I'm simply addressing you how you address others: with total contempt.

You can share information with people, even the hard truth, without delivering it in a condescending way. Doctors and lawyers (AKA real professionals unlike you) do it all the time. A normal rational human being is completely capable of doing this. Do you see me talking down to anyone else here aside from you? Do you think maybe you are the problem rather than everyone else particularly when Nyep said multiple people called you out on this?

Also why are constantly linking to "New Bank for BVI"? It's almost like you're using this as an opportunity to shill for that new BVI bank which was only licensed last year with is completely self serving. But it really doesn't surprise me that you're all about you and have zero empathy for anyone else.

I noticed you only have two emojiis this time around. Good work. Maybe drop down to one per post next time?
Nobody is abusing you. Drop the victim complex, it's pathetic.

The abuse and naming calling is coming from you and does not stop....lol. You not noticed the insults you throw....lol. . If you keep letting your emotions drive your judgement and blur your reasoning ability you will always fail in life....lol .

Also why are constantly linking to "New Bank for BVI"? It's almost like you're using this as an opportunity to shill for that new BVI bank which was only licensed last year with is completely self serving.

I linked to how your anger issues started over a simple comment in jest. But if calling me a shill makes you feel better then cool . However remember one of us is filling out claims forms and the other is not so you do the maths .

I noticed you only have two emojiis this time around. Good work.

Counting my emojis dude come on now?? . You don't find that just a little weird and creepy....lol.

But it really doesn't surprise me that you're all about you and have zero empathy for anyone else.

I do have zero empathy for you over Choice Bank issue. If you ignored all the warning signs....well what can one say after the event...lol . Should I also feel empathy for a guy who deliberately does 100kph in a 30kph zone and crashes his car? You chose Choice Bank because you lack all common sense of danger. Even the bible says :

Proverbs 22:3

"The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty."

It couldn't be any more clearer . So stop sniveling and send your claim form off to Choice bank and move on....lol. You will get your money back with luck . Put things in perspective..chill out a little, live and learn and stop being so grumpy over your own bad choices. Look on the bright side. Your failure, anger, suffering and misery has helped others in thinking twice about dealing with sh*t banks. You should congratulate yourself for that and I do too
The abuse and naming calling is coming from you and does not stop....lol. You not noticed the insults you throw....lol. . If you keep letting your emotions drive your judgement and blur your reasoning ability you will always fail in life....lol .

The only reason I insulted you is because YOU insult people and act condescending. I'm angry with your toxicity and nothing else. It's already been made clear in this thread that I'm not the only one who has this opinion of your personality.

It's already been pointed out by Nyep:

You have been told this by numerous people, numerous times, maybe it is time to stop for a minute, and really consider how you present yourself and your arguments in a more respectful way that can create fruitful discussions.

Is there anyway to get this above quote through that very thick head of yours?

Also let's face reality here: you have zero empathy for ANYONE not just people who banked with Choice Bank. I was willing to accept the risk of dealing with Choice because I needed a second bank as a backup in case my main HK banking closed, had no alternative banking options in more credible jurisdictions, and the amount of money that was risked was not high. The risk was much higher to me to just bank in Hong Kong without backup banking (even a trash tier bank like Choice) because if I lost that HK bank account it would be a massive disruption to my business and would have caused greater losses than the minimum deposit at Choice Bank.

I'm not asking for sympathy over Choice Bank and I already filled out the claim form.

People take risks all the time : cryptocurrency, high risk merchant account for a online business, margin trading, running a online casino, etc. Comparing it with driving at 100kph in a 30kph zone is idiotic since you're actually putting lives in danger there. This is just money, it was always a calculated risk that I was comfortable with losing if Choice went belly up. If I had the opportunity to join a more credible backup bank I absolutely would have. After all I'm already banking with a premium bank in Hong Kong. Unfortunately with my line of business, the pickings are slim.

You're also shilling a just licensed BVI bank while with one side of your mouth while at the same time making a tacit admission that they might not be the more secure bank in the world. Can you be anymore two faced and predatory than that?? It's a total scumbag move and anyone can clearly see that.

Oh and you're projecting if you think I'm sniveling. You should look at your own posts if you want to see the perfect example of a sniveling smarmy weasel.

I need to edit the above for clarity in a new post since my 2 minutes have expired:

You're also shilling a just licensed BVI bank with one side of your mouth while at the same time making a tacit admission that they might not be the most secure bank in the world with the other side of your mouth. Can you be anymore two faced and predatory than that?? It's a total scumbag move and anyone can clearly see that.
sorry guys, I have to close this thread it's going totally off topic Please calm down and keep up the good work, we are all here to help each other.
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