Please tell my why this particular strategy won't work!

Uh, question, how do large firms like Apple, etc. get away with this as being legal?

Apple etc have in the past done direct deal with taxman i.e been given advance ruling. Often these are sweet heart deals because of the high level of employment they create and hence direct PAYE employees tax generated and indirect taxes via money spent in the local economy.

However the EU has clamped down a lot of the profit shifting stuff via BEPS etc. Large companies in UK, France etc are under pressure to end all such practices which most have.

The Apple tax ruling – what this means for Ireland, tax and multinationals
Reactions: hernanday
I'll probably never understand the concept of EU... Look at Luxembourg which was one of the founding members, small country benefiting from offering good tax conditions - however they hate and strongly oppose when someone (outside of EU) does the same.

Then EU uses what you mention, BEPS and blacklists.

Then you have some countries such as France, Italy, Czechia doing random s**t on their own, for example a digital tax targeted
selectively at Google and Facebook, 5-7% of revenue. Probably because the government is running out of options, so just throw a Hail Mary and hope it will work.

Not only it is stupid but it is also hypocritical. Governments pretend to be better than companies but their goal is just the same, more power and more control...

(It reminded me situation between Europe, Russia and USA now in December. EU/Germany made a deal with Russia to import natural gas through a new Nordstream pipeline. USA intervened and imposed sanctions on companies laying the pipeline. Two entities made an international deal and another government (which had nothing to do with it) intervened officially to protect EU's interest because apparently they know better.)

Point is that the more globalized and decentralized the world is, the more difficult it will become to enforce these CFC, BEPS and other rules.
Reactions: Martin Everson
Then you have some countries such as France, Italy, Czechia doing random s**t on their own

Two of those countries you mentioned I know have had thousands of millions leave over the past years. Italy enacted a non-dom scheme to attract back millionaires and even Italians living abroad. France also has its own non-dom scheme for executives. None of this will work as they simply don't have a realistic economic plan.

You are 100% correct they have run out of options to resolve their budget and finances. When humans get desperate is no different to when governments get desperate. They both resort to stealing and that is exactly what is going to happen to to the people of these countries. They will have their pensions and everything else of value stolen by the state indirectly. Watch and learn how oversized government, heavy taxation and capitalism eventually devours itself.

CFC and CRS will get stronger and stronger in years to come. At some point EU citizens will be told how to spend and where to keep their money and where to invest - you see the picture happening already? . There will be little wiggle room for independence or offshoring assets if you have not already done so.
It's really a dark world you picturing there Martin - sadly I believe something like that will be the future if we like it or not. You better just get a 8 to 17 job and accept to be a slave of this high sociaty of 1%

We are the 99% if we don't act now.
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