We want to hear about ICO's relevant for people to invest into. We are also happy to read about startups announcing their ICO as well as all relevant information that fit into this category.
Please don't spam this forum, your spam will be removed quickly and your post removed! If you have something to post here than make useful posts not 3 - 5 word's posts they will be removed!
If you are a startup and want to announce your ICO then please make a good self explaining post, you may even post images and stats if you like.
ONLE 1 LINK is allowed for each thread started!
Please don't spam this forum, your spam will be removed quickly and your post removed! If you have something to post here than make useful posts not 3 - 5 word's posts they will be removed!
If you are a startup and want to announce your ICO then please make a good self explaining post, you may even post images and stats if you like.
ONLE 1 LINK is allowed for each thread started!