I need to know if this Offshore company structure will be:
1. Anonymous
2. 100% safeguarded in regards to Tax and other authorities
3. Maintain my Privacy
Cyprus Holding company only purpose to hold shares in a Seychelles HOLDING Offshore company which ONLY purpose is to hold shares in a Belize trading company! I will open a Cyprus bank account for the Belize company and travel to Hongkong opening a bank account for the other Holding companies.
I will need a anonymous debit card which I have been informed can be provided by a few banks in Switzerland.
1. Anonymous
2. 100% safeguarded in regards to Tax and other authorities
3. Maintain my Privacy
Cyprus Holding company only purpose to hold shares in a Seychelles HOLDING Offshore company which ONLY purpose is to hold shares in a Belize trading company! I will open a Cyprus bank account for the Belize company and travel to Hongkong opening a bank account for the other Holding companies.
I will need a anonymous debit card which I have been informed can be provided by a few banks in Switzerland.