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Please help with this offshore company structure!


Offshore Agent
Mentor Group Gold Premium
Jan 30, 2011
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I need to know if this Offshore company structure will be:

1. Anonymous

2. 100% safeguarded in regards to Tax and other authorities

3. Maintain my Privacy

Cyprus Holding company only purpose to hold shares in a Seychelles HOLDING Offshore company which ONLY purpose is to hold shares in a Belize trading company! I will open a Cyprus bank account for the Belize company and travel to Hongkong opening a bank account for the other Holding companies.

I will need a anonymous debit card which I have been informed can be provided by a few banks in Switzerland.
Seems you already figured out a perfect offshore company structure. The only problem I see is any Debit card that may be connected to the Cyprus bank account that go leave tracable logs if used. You will want to either look further into the Swiss Debit card you mentioned or to find another 100% Anonymous Debit card without trailing logs. Further to get 100% protection you will need a Foundation owned by a Trust and where you are not signing any docs. at all.