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Please help, best offshore company structure for my person??


Offshore Agent
Mentor Group Gold Premium
Jan 30, 2011
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I have a Seychelles Holding company which had no activity so far also I got a Cyprus bank account for the company and everything went through fine (huge delays but never mind) now I consider to establish a Trust or foundation in Panama or Seychelles and let them own the Seychelles company, can this be done and what problems do you see?
There will be no issues to register a Trust or Foundation in the Seychelles and switch over the ownership of your existing company. Actually we did this successfully in a smaller offshore company setup. I would recommend you to establish a Seychelles foundation and forget about the Trust. The Foundation in the Seychelles will offer you a great privacy and anonymity protection for all entities owned by them. A Search on the forum blog will pull up more information as far as I remember.