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Personal og corporate offshore bank account, what protects your privacy?

A personal account will reveal your name and adress everytime someone pays you or you pay someone by wire transfer from the account. That's the reason for why so many incorporate a simple and cheap offshore company when privacy matters.
What will appear for information if I open a HSBC bank account that is owned by a Belize or Seychelles company where I am the listed shareholder and director?

(ie: The shareholder & director info is not public for a Belize or Seychelles company. However, this info will need to be shared with the bank in order to open an account. So what info will the bank release if asked?)

Almost all banks will consider helping you keep your privacy. It will just be a matter of transactions between you both. This is sometimes listed in the laws of a country. It will be good if you consider reading constitutions, too.
So reading a countries constituions will tell me what level of privacy I get from the banks, please elaborate if you can?
You help is much appreciated.
Indeed it will, since only a few countries have the banking secrecy in their constitutions, i.e. Cyprus is such a country.
I was wondering what is the best constalation to protect your privacy in regards to offshore banking? Is it a corporate / business account or will a private bank account help your privacy the same way?
ALWAYS corporate account if privacy matters! Opening personal accounts will make it easy for any authority to get owner data from the banks. It's not that difficult to just put a Seychelles corp. in front of your banking if you understand what I mean.
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ALWAYS corporate account if privacy matters! Opening personal accounts will make it easy for any authority to get owner data from the banks. It's not that difficult to just put a Seychelles corp. in front of your banking if you understand what I mean.
You know alot about all this blueweb. I would have opened a personal and corporate account in Cyprus and offshore if I didn't had read this!!
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If you are reading some of the many forum topics and threads here you will see that most users tell you never ever to open a private bank account if privacy and anonymity matters. It's always best to put some simple offshore company in front of such.
What if the bank claim to have a 100% anonymous bank account and debit card to offer? The same, always a company or would you think it's ok with private bank account?
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