Personal bank account Singapore

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Resident, not citizen. So it depends on where you live.
Well at the moment Russia (finishing a 2 years period) but in a few monthes I'm "free" and as I will plan a period without income, I'm considering any cheap and easy residence option...maybe some balkan.
SG financial stability is appealing in my case, although not very willing to fund in SGD, being pegged to USD thus prone to lose vs EUR in upcoming monthes
So I guess it's the Priority Banking account.
SC stopped retail banking in Thailand few years ago, it's good to know they can facilitate account opening in SG or HK.

How long did it take to open?
Are they picky with SOF?
I reached out to them and on the same day they called me, I provided the documents and next day an employee from BKK branch calls me and tells me if I’m at my house at the moment that he can come to sign the paperwork.

After signing everything they gave me the account in 5 days.

I couldn’t provide some documents they asked and they were flexible.
They require only 200k SGD but I deposited more.

I'm in Thailand at the moment.
That's cool man.

I spoke to them too, like 6 months ago. They told me they could open an account with UAE residency and 200k SGD.

I think they don't really care about your passport, they more about legit source of funds, and residency.

Are you on a tourist visa in Thailand?

So you just have 200k sitting on the savings account, or have you invested it in the stock market?

Your citizenship would be helpful too, sorry for asking so many questions, you just can speak broadly if you don't want to disclose.
Like EU passport.
I deposited part of the securities I hold on IBKR so I hold no cash but some ETF's.

EU passport.
I deposited part of the securities I hold on IBKR so I hold no cash but some ETF's.

EU passport.
Very nice, and do you have residency in Thailand? I'm in BKK, too, but on a tourist visa.
Reactions: jafo
What's the reason for the need ?
You know, I'm going to open a thread on this...the reason is to sleep well in the case of Armageddon or something like that. Just having enough money and debit/credit cards that can withstand "global disruptions", so I can continue to eat, drink, take my meds/supplements, pay for utilities, etc etc. Splitting accounts into two or three dozen "regions". I'm just having a hard time articulating it simply enough not to make it too cumbersome to comprehend.
Reactions: Don and Mercury

in case of armageddon there is no electricity, without electricity you cannot use your 12 visa/mastercards, cash is king
Reactions: jafo
Does a Priority relationship with Standard Chartered Singapore allow incoming funds directly from regulated international crypto exchanges such as Kraken, Coinbase etc?