Personal bank account opening


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Aug 2, 2018
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Due to many failed attempts to open account for cheap enough price, I decided to ask on your forum and hopefully someone could please assist me and suggest me who to contact. I have zero success contacting banks directly so the only hope left is to search for someone who could open account on my behalf and/or introduct me to the bank.

I am looking to open Offshore bank account (preferable personal) in ONE (1) of the following countries:

US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, and Japan

All of the following condiitons must be met:

1. as cheap as possible cost for broker's service for account opening. I was searching many offshore bank account opening services in the past but everything I found so far is too expensive for me.
2. ability to use bank account for incoming transactions from crowd-funding websites from where i would receive investments from investor for creating my own StartUp company.
3. no max limit of amount of incoming transaction
4. no additional payment to the bank for getting account opened
5. no memo reference message (the ''message for the bank'') which i would have to provide to the seller along swift code, account number, beneficiary name, etc. A lot of problem can occur if withdrawing available balance from some website. No websites have this ''memo'' field available.
6. no personal visits for any reason, not even when opening account, not even if having serious security issue (even if they want to protect me and my balance).
7. no web cam introduction chat

Hopefully someone could please point me to the right service….
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if you offer peanuts you get chimps to work for you! I would find an lawyer to help you in these countries and then go in person for the account opening. It won't work for you to find anyone reliable here to open an account for you.
if you offer peanuts you get chimps to work for you! I would find an lawyer to help you in these countries and then go in person for the account opening. It won't work for you to find anyone reliable here to open an account for you.

Why not? Because i have low budget, meaning everything i found so far is too expensive? Is this the reason?

You should also know that sometimes helping a fellow human-being is worth more than money. God sees everything and good returns with good too. Its not always about the money. If you see someone struggling to do something (like me for account opening) for months, would you refuse just because he has no money? Is this fair? If you position yourself on his place, would you be satisfied if someone refuses you just because you cannot pay full price? One of the biggest rewards is also helping someone in need. Not just earning money as a fee for done service. Its also good to treat people how you want that others treat you.

Besides this, I never asked or expected anything for free. I only politely asked if anyone knows any cheaper solution because the prices i have seen are by far too expensive for me.

I believe in God and in Karma so I understand you but what you ask got a price . You should re-think it, you will make money and a lot of money I wish you, the good banks are hard to find now days. You can always take the risk of going for Emi's it s almost free but sooner or later you will lost money with them.

no emi will accept several hundreds of thousands of gbp/usd/eur or whatever investment on multiple campaign would be. There are several campaigns to be run on crowd-funding websites, most of them being based on engineering physical product. I would expect high investments but obviously i cannot know the amounts in advance. The only problem is that payment processor behind the website can send funds to very limited amount of countries.
Ok so because I know the french market especially you can take out this country from your list even big bank won't let you move big money.

Thank you for reply but my question was/is different. I am asking who to contact that will be able to open personal bank account in EITHER of listed countries.

Even if the bank has intermediate bank, forwarding the money and if intermediate bank is located in one of listed countries, this is also good solution.
After looking at your list of countries, you may rethink your strategy about opening a bank account in some of them as there are other variables to consider.

I would remove the following due to their unfriendly business environment, weakness of some of their banks and their lack of understanding in Technology businesses.

- France, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands and Germany.

Nordic Countries might be very costly and more than you would think, so to remove as well:

- Norway, Sweden,Denmark.

Asian Countries could be another option though "bureaucracy "and "papercracy" are the norms and especially in HK, imagine that even InvestHK who's a government agency supporting foreign investments are having difficulties to help open and keep Startup's bank accounts running without problems ( I've met them and they have been brutally honest about the local banking landscape).

Japan could be difficult as you will have to deal with a language barrier and if you know a thing or two about Japanese corps, they may not be the most suitable.

Americas could be an option and funnily enough, the US and Canada could be the most appropriate and offers more options though I would write-off Mexico due to their reputation as any money flowing to and from there would trigger more controls than needed just to make sure they aren't dealing with "Pablo's Money".

About Switzerland and Luxembourg, it will be costly and too risky (i.e: Falciani and co.).

The Australian banking system is too concentrated, abusive and rather choose New Zealand, a small local bank branch might be more appropriate.

Ireland and Austria small bank branches that aren't exposed to Eastern Europe banana's would be a great long term solution.

Ireland is startup friendly, have more experience with online businesses and their daily activities, as such you can try to approach either Permanent TSB or KBC branches in Cork, Waterford or Dublin.

A personal advice, starting and cultivating a long-term relationship instead of doing everything online will open you more doors and will help to solve problems quicker so do not exclude calling and visiting them because once set-up all activities are dealt with online and sometimes, it's nice to have the personal number of the person handling your affairs and know that you aren't a number with the right structure in place.

Hope it helps.
Takeshi it is NOT my own decision which countries should be considered and which not. The problem is that payment processor behind the crowd-funding website is extremely limited to which countries they can send invested money. I have been ''paying the price'' of THEIR problem for over half year. Just because they can send withdrawn invested money to very few countries, I am wasting so much time and effort to open personal bank account in one of supported countries.
is '''' considered as EMI? I contacted them but haven't received reply. It seems like they offer account based in one of my listed countries but unfortunately they cannot be used in my case because they seem to Not accept international bank transfers from USA. So i didn't even ask them if they allow incoming payments from crowd-funding websites like Funded, Kickstarter, etc. The money would be from investors for creating StartUp company.

Any quality alernative to above said link?
Hi this may or may not help.
No need to pay for an introduction as still same process.
If it is a personal Acc with Visa Debit, can do in Singapore with Citi Bank or.OCBC.
Without travelling.
But to have credit the amount with the necessary amount. May withdraw after but then $50 month fee.
Citi $200K
Open Bank Account in Singapore
No Visit required register on line. Rep contacts you. telecon chat why (not business can recieve divdends, salary etc...easy. notorised copy passport and utility bill, bank statement. Scanned then send masters docs. Not cheapest for fees, especially broker side but colleague advises it serves his needs. Advised to apply seperately for broker account but all done thru the reltionship manager just tell him/her when applying the Ind Account.
Response 3 days thereafter 10 days completed.

OCBC... sorry cannot find the link but a year ago approx 160k.
Similiar process register /mail/ phone call etc similar fee if drop below threshold they were a bit slow response within 10 days

DBS used to but stopped even if travel their. Unless high wealth client then process may differ.
Then....Relationship established. Then few months discuss setting a business account with your relationship manager. Maybe have to be incorporated first maybe elsewhere have basic biz plan details of profit/loss now or anticipated.

Another option Labuan (no exp though) was offered a Gulf bank.. when discussed with Labuan Agent who is in Labuan. can be done no visit necessay.
Will try and find details of Agent and bank again, plus minimum transfer required.
They did advise for biz account would need to travel their, i have to follow up if you can open a Biz and Acc with out need to applying a Permit. Think it was an option. Tx 7K year no audit or 3% audited. Management side steep and I think shutting down the corp is also steep. However I strongly suggest you contact a few agents actally based in Labuan to compare feed back, service, I am sure they are only contracted by other non resident agents to set up for customers.

Again could go personnel Bank route then corp then approach the BK again.
Why is everyone ignoring me?
Nobody is ignoring you, everybody might be busy with other things however have you contacted the 2 Banks I've listed for you ?

You have issues to open this personal bank account mainly because of its type, you may go for a corporate bank account instead since you are receiving funding from investors therefore requiring you to register a corp in the country where you are opening this banks account.

Otherwise seek advice from and alike, I will contact the former in the coming weeks once me and my partners have decided on the structure of the business.

Hope it helps.
You are putting a couple of countries known to have an excellent business environment and strong banks, countries with a lot of technology related businesses in a group they do not belong to.

Making the rest of your message also unbelievable.
Go and set up businesses there and come back to us to share how long you would last with an "offshore" set up.

About the technology related businesses, their attitude to cryptos and blockchain technologies says it all.

I'll leave you with your understanding of what "excellent" and "strong" means, we definitely don't read the same type of data.

My comment on those countries is based on personal, direct and indirect experiences, comparisons, research and will remain unless proven otherwise so whether you believe or not what I wrote doesn't change anything to me in any way, shape or form, democracy does exist for a reason and I'm happy with you expressing from what it looks a disagreement.
The normal situation is that you have to substantiate your statements. Not the other way around. And especially if your statements are not credible.

I believe in flying saucers. Until you can prove that they do not exist.

If we speak about an offshore set up with those countries, yes it will be difficult.
Crypto, not really friendly too.
But especially in Germany and France the banks are strong , and with right business you can make the magic.


I guess you just don't speak about the same set up and business view.
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