Permanent residency in Paraguay

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Did she ever got jailed ?
Did she ever got found guilty ?
Was there even a case ?
Did she gave an offical explanation ?
Did her customers had any issues ?

Really, where ?
You mean in the imagination of news outlets who posted an unconfirmed bias ?
After local TV stations showed her office with piles of paraguayan and bulgarian passports and her perp walk to a police station, she was miraculously released a few days later. Interpol pursued the case in Europe against her German clients. I am sure you can still find reports online because it was a big story in Germany and Paraguay.

Did she ever got jailed ?
Did she ever got found guilty ?
Was there even a case ?
Did she gave an offical explanation ?
Did her customers had any issues ?

Really, where ?
You mean in the imagination of news outlets who posted an unconfirmed bias ?
Local TV stations ran reports including a video from her office with stacks of bulgarian and paraguayan passports and there was her perp walk to a police station. Following that, the case was miraculously dropped and her suspended law license was restored some time later. Interpol pursued charges against her German clients. You can see the reports yourself online because it was a big story in Paraguay and Germany.
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She was accused by another woman who worked in the department where you get your cedula.
That women moved the letter up in power and attacked Bettina as both were known to not like each other.
Bettina never were accused of anything after the arrest and having done business with her in the past all i can say is that she was very professional always looking to be inside the legal system (exluding small bribery to get your staff processed faster) but nothing what would cause anything serious.

You really belive she would come out so easy when she had printed passports in her home ?
I also asked for a faster way to get a passport and her reply was there is no way to get it sooner.
That might very well be but it does not explain the results of the police search of her office where clearly piles of passports were found.

Helping people filing for residency does not require a law degree in Paraguay. Anyone can stand in front of Migraciones or put up a professional website. Therefore you do not have the best legal minds gravitating towards this kind of business.

The few lawyers that accept it, cut corners, make promises they cannot fulfill or outright take advantage from their clients. I have met several people who hired a lawyer (not the lady in question) and paid for citizenship with free residency. After they paid, they received neither but they are still harassed with phone calls to pay an additional bribe thru lawyer to a new government official that promised to push their cases along.

Your above post and some previous posts indicate that you have information that is not public. Are you professionally involved in Paraguay residency business?
That might very well be but it does not explain the results of the police search of her office where clearly piles of passports were found.
You approach the topic as if there is only one explanation -- fraud. There are many reasons that an attorney or Offshore Service Provider (OSP) who procures residency and citizenship on behalf of clients might have a stack of cedulas or passports in their office.

For example, obtaining residency and citizenship often takes several trips to the country in question. An attorney or OSP may have power of attorney to receive cedulas or passports on behalf of clients. Then they might hold those cedulas or passports until they receive their final payment for services rendered, at which point they may either ship them to the client or hold them until the client's next visit.

Or the attorney or OSP may have power of attorney for concierge style high interest rate banking at a local bank. They may need to hold cedulas or passports for yearly maintenance of those accounts.

The point is that you should not just assume the worst, especially as she is still in business.
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Considering passed publicized abuses, It would be unwise to the extreme to surrender your passport or any vital documents to a paraguayan lawyer or a fixer and subject yourself to a potential extortion or blackmail.

Those people go to the extreme ways to get $100, I can only imagine what they do to a client holding this kind of leverage against.
That is just the way that business is done in some countries. If you do not like it, then do not do business there. I have seen OSPs with stacks of cedulas in their possession from various clients. If they do something unsavory, they lose their business.

In fact, I refrain from doing business in many countries because of currency controls and other issues that I do not like. That does not mean that other people may not have a different view of those things -- and have success in those same countries. Things that bother one person may not bother others.
no one ? are you a kind of educator or something ? why you are talking on behalf of others as apparent from my previous reply i don't know why you are interested to follow my posts even though i was not talking to you .

you seems like you have issues with me ?
I have no issue with you at all. So, dial down the hostility.

You were talking to me and everyone else on this thread. In fact, you posted right after my post. And you made a comment that no one could possibly understand. My response was a simple request (intended to be funny) for you to elaborate upon your comment in order to make it comprehensible.

I still have no idea what your statement, i.e., ("better to stay in your country or travel to Caribbean country") has to do with obtaining permanent residency in Paraguay, because you provided no context or reasoning for your comment.
no i was not talking to you , in fact if that's true i would add a quote and reply . just because i posted below your post doesn't mean that i started personal conversation with you . you need to understand the forum is public and everyone is entitled to his own opinion . you are not the original poster to worry so much . maybe you need to take it easy instead of showing overwhelming desire to know what i mean .