People that actually retired with mid-high sum of money, what do you do all day?


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Jan 29, 2021
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People here that managed to accumulate significant sum (3-4 m$) and can now live on the interest from that money.
What do you do all day?

Many people here create businesses and live stressful lives now because they hope to one day retire. want to hear what on the other side.
New girl everyday. . Well it's not fun either. No relationship basically. Best is friendship and bond between two adults. Nothing beats that.
New Girl Everyday = Never hurt emotionally
Bond aka friendship = Everyday you hurt emotionally

Now a day It is very hard to find true bond , when you have money. 99% Girls are after your money.
They are good actor and expert in making fake stories. They can ruin your life in a second.
If you are retire with million, One so called "friendship and bond" , makes you homeless.
Girl uses you and throw you in gutter. and she find another "emotional fool"

I go with "New Girl Everyday" .
I go with "New Girl Everyday" .

One of the many reasons the quality of women is ever declining is because they get pumped and dumped.

With what happens in the world now, few men have the right, ability or inclination to stop their daughters being masturbation devices.

If your daughter is gagging herself half to death for shekels on a cam; and you try and stop her, you'll probably end up in jail. Society is full of perverts and sofa masterbators.

The quality of men matches the quality of the women. If men are sex addicts, women will be sex dealers.
Reactions: troubled soul
The quality of men matches the quality of the women. If men are sex addicts, women will be sex dealers.
Same vice versa also true,
The quality of women matches the quality of the men. If women are sex dealers , men will be sex addicts.

No pervert ,bad guy or sofa masterbators hurt any "Real Good Girls". Most woman are good at acting. They play victim role very well.
If some girl are Gold Digger , She only called you whenever she wants something from you , She deserved to be treated like whore.

There is no benefit of being "Saint" in today's world. If you treat them nicely, she consider you fool. and She will use you mercilessly.
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Men need to define the parameters of society, as they did for over 1,000 years, so that a daughter having sex out of wedlock is a grave error. Women can't do this. They will do whatever society tell them to do. Now it is being broken feminists.

The nature of a woman is very different when she can only choose one man in her life. The choice has great meaning. In the modern world, you are right, you can just be another branch as she tires to swing her way to the jungle king. Once a woman knows ten men, she has much to compare the eleventh against. And a woman who has known ten men will have had a number of heartbreaks and learned to break hearts when something better comes along. This is fairly normal and few people think much of it. Yet if I tell you I had ten foster-parents, you will think I must be a mess.

The simplest routes to finding a women of a better nature is to cut yourself off from sex, pornography and nude images. You cannot seal yourself to a woman if your mind is always thinking of sex with another woman. Get on your knees and go to church. The lowest divorce rate is 2%, among Catholic who don't use contraception. This is achieved against the backdrop of a society that make divorce rape a walk in the park.

Otherwise, girls who are more bookish, reserved etc. have a different nature.

My experience with women is quite different from yours. I cannot generally attract a woman who is artificially beautiful, a monkey brancher, socialite etc. I'm too boring for them. A woman who uses sex as some sort of trap is too obvious and repulsive.

Hey, I retired early, here's what happened:

1. my wife got jealous ("why do you get to work at home, and I don''t) and divorced me so she could have 50% of the wealth. She lied to get the divorce. I worked much harder before marriage than she did, but now she profited. The divorce process was nasty. She was a princess and ungrateful for the lifestyle we had that was the result of my high income and my 75% contribution to family expenditure.

2. But then I found someone new. She's awesome, and even better than my ex-wife, and she earns a lot of money but it's not about money for her.

3. We spend time living together. Making lovely meals, good wine, enjoying friends and family. She still works, but I help manage her portfolio (I'm good at that ;-). I spend my time managing my portfolio, dabbling in side projects, and stuff like that. I have three children, and have them 50% of the time. I get to take them to school, see them after school, etc. No travel, etc.

4. Don't think I got here easily. I worked to get my degrees (more than one) part time. I didn't have a nice restaurant and travel lifestyle when I was young. I missed out on things that many other have. I didn't even have a girlfriend before many other people did.

Sure, as a divorcee with three children, I could have many women. I'm good looking and with a good bank account. I just wanted one woman I could curl up with at night, who loves me for who I am and also is positive for my children. I'm so lucky I found someone like that, and she is really smart too (PhD). We've done adventures together and are building great memories of travel, food, wine, friends, etc.

I don't have a sports car (I could afford one though). And I don't have a big a*s show off house. But I live in a posh area, and have a two wheeled transport. I don't need to impress anyone other than myself. I impress myself only by living to good values, modest experiences, etc. I also volunteer and help other people : I feel good by giving something back.

I can tell you, life is a different path for everyone. Choose a path that works for you. If you work hard, have good luck, either both of those or one of those, etc and get to retire early, be humble and modest and realise how much luckier you are than 99% of the rest of the world.
You are so correct. I love my wife too. It's easy to get many women but are they really interested in you or your wealth it's mostly wealth. Very hard to find someone you hold dearly and share your life to be with. Same applies to women too they can find a lot of male partners (Well some of them are not looking for men ) more than us men but true gems are hard to find.
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Do you know what stresses me most? It's not the business but being a responsible parent in this fast moving world where my 2 years old think TVs are swiping the same way as iPads. Being a teenager it was dream to get and text on B&W Nokia 3110, local calls were too expensive.

I don't want to blame the kids either but I think they are the indirect reason of many divorces unfortunately. Nobody can prepare you for being a parent and kids can drive you really crazy. This coupled with often psychological changes of your wife to be a mother can be a nail in the coffin. As a 2 different people you were raised differently by different families, sometimes even in different countries or having different nationalities. Now you both try to raise your (expat) kids and this is the challenge you never faced before. All of the sudden you have different views, different attitude, different emotional approach, different stress or calm level. Your woman, wife, partner, mother of your kids is no longer the woman you know BEFORE you had kids.

As for myself being retired, I can do really nothing, like why the hell do I have to have a need to climb Mount Everest? I would probably spend 2-3 months in Europe and just swap some Caribbean islands. Maybe I would do one of those boring looking luxury huge boat cruises that lasts few weeks? There is never a way to do it with school aged kids, so I assume mostly retired people are lounging around on those steel giants. I would probably start reading, I never had a chance to read a lot of books to be honest and then I would realize how stupid I was and why I did not read all those "morals" earlier

As for my wife if she ever ask for divorce, so what's the problem of sharing 50% of wealth? Don't do people read the manuals before getting married? Why are they surprised like the guy above that he had to share his wealth with "lying princess"? Maybe my wealth would not be where it is if my wife wouldn't support me and my motives for all these years in different countries away from home country?
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@msgr, @Davis123, @BlueMist
Can you elaborate a bit more on the money part, i.e. what was crucial "idea" or approach to get a lot of money quick? What industry/business model?

I.e. "I noticed an opportunity in SaaS space, many people wanted an email forwarding service but did not want to pay for full hosting so I setup a DNS related service and upsold the customers from there. Later exited for 1.5 M usd selling it to a major hosting provider"

"I got involved in investment banking and made my first nest egg of 0.2M in savings after which I transitioned to asset management and learned the ropes of portfolio management. Perhaps I was lucky and managed to turn that to 1M during European debt scare. Thanks to this forum I implemented some tax optimizations and was able to retire with 3M net worth since I live frugally"

would be good if some people would tell more into what made them "stand out", otherwise one might think that all is about high risk online pharmacy rigs, P**N and btc scams lool
re. divorce and 50/50. this is a complicated topic that I'm not going to go into, but simply that in some countries (my country), what you bring into a marriage does not make a difference to the split at the end of the marriage: so if you make sacrifices before marriage (e.g. working day times and studying nights and missing out on social fun) to get qualifications and because of that, you end up earning more in the marriage, but the system doesn't care about that and gives you both equal amount (when the other person didn't do much before marriage) ... it's not really fair to split 50/50 when one of you contributed 75% during the marriage due to significant sacrifices before hand. in fact, the system is a disadvantage to the higher income earner: it says that because you have a higher income, the lower income person should get more assets (say from a property) ... because you have a high earning capacity so you need less assets ... forcing you to stay on the treadmill for longer ... basically, not only do you not get recognised for your pre-marital sacrifices, but you can in fact get penalised for it ... it can be even worse depending on the situation with children, as in some cases, the mother is seen to be the most effective primary carer and the father may have to contribute even more on that basis, even if it was the mother who decided to exit the marriage ...

re. the money and idea part. in my case, I simply got a good degree (while working), got a corporate job, then got another degree (while working), then upgraded my corporate job (to senior positions). i worked in tech companies and taught myself how to invest outside of work. i got stock options plus i made good tech investments (amazon, tesla, google, etc) and i had significant pension contributions. after 20 years (in my 40s) my portfolio was big enough to generate my income from. i also owned property that doubled in value which i cash out of and put into my stock portfolio. i did lose half of that during divorce which was painful and set me back severely ... not quite back on track ...
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