Paysera suspend monetary transactions with Russia!


Offshore Agent
Pro Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Dear Client,

We would like to inform you and all other clients of ours that Paysera stands in solidarity with Ukraine and in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine has decided to apply restrictions that will affect monetary transactions with Russia, as well as accounts held by Russian clients, and more.

What changes?
• Russian and Belarusian citizens will no longer be able to use Paysera (this restriction does not apply for Russian and Belarusian citizens with residency or work permits in other supported countries). Current accounts will be closed. All affected clients will be contacted separately.
• Russian and Belarusian companies will not be able to use Paysera accounts. All current business accounts will be closed following the notice.
• Funds held in Russian and Belarusian company accounts will be temporarily frozen until further announcements regarding EU sanctions.
• Transactions to Russian and Belarusian banks will not be executed if the recipient of funds is a business account (transactions between private individuals will not be restricted but will get checked more thoroughly and supporting documents might be needed). Paysera keeps the right to apply exceptions to some transfers to Russian banks.
• Money transfers from Russian and Belarusian banks received on Monday (February 28 and later) will be returned back to the senders.
• Currency exchange to Russian Roubles (RUB) will no longer be available for Paysera clients (you can still exchange currency from Roubles already in your possession to any other supported currency).
• New business accounts will not be opened to companies whose main shareholder does not have a permit to live or work in one of the supported countries.
If you have any questions – client support in English is operating 24/7.
Consultations in other languages are available during working hours.
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Here we go with banks going over excited because they can exercise their power. Banks should not do politics. Banks are not judges. Banks are supposed to serve their customers and provide the dull services they offer.
Paysera should be boycotted for discriminating Russian and Belarusian customers.

Ps this is not even a bank but a ridiculous small laundromat of an EMI.

That wording. They have politicized their business. Glad I don't hold an account with them. Should I then change my Avatar to be in solidarity with Ukrainian people? Madness.

• Funds held in Russian and Belarusian company accounts will be temporarily frozen until further announcements regarding EU sanctions.

Damn what a company.
How does this even work? An EMI that is more involved in politics than actually following the sanctions in place?

What a weird company, of course understandable if you would freeze the funds of anyone who is supposed to have their funds frozen (e.g. EU sanctions), but doing this inspires no confidence.

• Russian and Belarusian companies will not be able to use Paysera accounts. All current business accounts will be closed following the notice.
Wait so they make it so that you can no longer login & you can not withdraw your money until the EU will (possibly) sanction all Russians?

This is what their CEO said:
Source: Paysera shuts down payments to Russia; Swift exclusion remains off the table
I fully support Paysera in that decision.
We shall remember they're Lithuanian, they've seen the horrors the Russians can do.
So Paysera is allowed to act against the law and make innocent people suffer just because of their nationality?
I fully support Paysera in that decision.
We shall remember they're Lithuanian, they've seen the horrors the Russians can do.
I agree. Most people on this thread have no empathy -- and no ability to see things through the prism of other peoples, cultures, and nations. The three Baltic nations suffered grievously under hundreds of years of Russian occupation. And it was not a benevolent occupation. The Russians went so far as to outlaw, and to try to exterminate, the local languages. People had to hold secret meetings at night just to speak in their native languages and to teach their children the language. They could not even print any books in their own native languages.

Then after WWI, the three Baltic nations finally achieved their independence from Russia -- only to be invaded by the Soviet Union several decades later. Then these three Baltic nations experienced another seventy years of occupation and slavery. For example, I have been to the KGB Museum in Vilnius and I have viewed the torture tools, the execution chamber, and the holding cells (an island located in the center of the cell surrounded by a moat of frigid water, forcing the prisoner to perpetually stand and to forgo any sleep).

Many of the remarks on this thread are thoroughly disgusting. Some things are far more important than money. In light of centuries of history, these nations certainly have a great deal of empathy for the people of Ukraine. As a private company and as patriots (and especially considering Russia's centuries' long history of non-stop aggression), any business in the Baltics (and most of Eastern Europe) has every right to choose not to do business with Russia, especially in light of the announced sanctions.

People have posted some very shameful comments here, devoid of any empathy or humanity, with no sense of the history and continuing threats to other peoples and countries by a ruthless government.

So Paysera is allowed to act against the law?
They are simply complying with announced sanctions. They are also a private company and may transact business with whomever they wish. Obviously, they should not retain money that is not theirs, subject to whatever sanctions are in place.

So Paysera is allowed to make innocent people suffer just because of their nationality?
Innocence is a matter or perspective. What about the suffering of the people of Ukraine by rogue regimes? This is one example of how civilized countries exert pressure on the citizens of aggressive, rogue nations without the necessity for war. The people of Russia and Belarus need to exert pressure on their rulers. Until then, the international community will exert pressure on their citizenry.
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Why USA and EUSSR did not been disconnected from SWIFT and closed accounts when they slaughtered millions of people in Yugoslavia, Irak, Libia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, etc?
Why Israel is so praised by the banking system even with all the torture they gave to Palestinians?
Why nobody said nothing, after years or harassment of Russians in Donbas by the Azov army?
That’s plain and simple Hypocrisy, the real gas of the already doomed western “culture”.
Btw, F*ck europe!
I totaly disagree.
The conflict is clearly created by the US to weaken russia or a cooperation between them against european people.
US gives a f**k about east european countries like ukraine,poland,czech,lithuana etc.
Its just a geopolitical game against russia/china where they don't care the price people have to pay for it.
All what matters is the desired goal of the so called elite.

I mean seriously all what ukraine had not to do is not to apply to nato getting weapons against russia installed direct on their borders.No big deal.Russia didn't invaded ukraine when there was no issue.
But once Ukraine got the puppet of US with the nazist/facist/swoboda in power (YES UKRAINE IS BEING RUN BY NAZIS WHO DOESN'T EVEN HIDE IT) who tried to take the very important strategic island Crimea away from russia which would have caused that Putin would have lost his support from military it was quite obvious that Putin had no other choice.

So claiming Putin is the agressor is just simple dumb.If he gets forced to act he will act.He was passive a very long time and gave out enough warnings.
Also since when is Nato allowed to accept a new member which is in a conflict ?

But who cares all what counts are the goals of the US.

So sorry but anybody claiming Putin is the agressor is simply a hypocrate.
I feel sorry for the people as they are always the victim of these political and elite morons but if i had to choose a side it would be clearly with russia as the real psycopaths are in the US and EU

Does Ukraine have a facist/n**i government ?
How can you support something like that ?
Are you even aware how many civilians the swoboda/bandera have barbarous killed in their history ?
Many polish people haven't forgatten it till today

Also the actions of the nazist of swoboda/bandera supporters cleary shows what cowards they are hiding in civilian areas to force russian army to kill civilians if they want to get them.
So tell me how much civilians are worth to these faggots.
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369 is spot on.

Anyway, what is happening and/or what happened 70+ years ago should have no influence on what a bank does. Banks must respect the law, not anticipate or interprete it.

Paysera has shown to be managed by a brainwashed idiot. Just another warning to stay away from banks, and use them only when there is no alternative (including for laundering).

Obviously, criminals use nominees/fake documents, so at the end as always only the honest people are hurt.

Ignorance and hate rule the world.
Does Ukraine have a facist/n**i government ?
How can you support something like that ?

Yup they certainly do have a Neo-Nazoi problem in Ukraine that US is fueling for its own agenda against Russia. The US training and arming Neo-n**i's i.e the Azov battalion to kill Russians is a mad situation and Germany supporting Ukraine is even more suspect. Just reminds me how US trained Mujahedin in Afghanistan to kill Russians and well that didn't end well for US today and neither will arming Neo-n**i's in Ukraine.

---- quote start

In a news broadcast Monday evening, NBC’s chief foreign policy correspondent Richard Engel told viewers how “some communities” in Ukraine are preparing for a war with Russia by “taking matters into their own hands.”

The report showed Ukrainian soldiers delivering “basic training for the whole family,” “first aid” and “weapons training” to a small group of Mariupol residents, including children and the elderly. One of them, 79-year-old Valentyna Konstantynovska, wielding an AK-47, was made the face of “Ukrainian resistance” by the world’s newspapers.

Engel left out of his account the fact that the military formation providing Konstantynovska’s training was the neo-n**i Azov Battalion, clearly identifiable by its Wolfsangel insignia used by Hitler’s SS in the Second World War.

--- quote end.

I mean seriously all what ukraine had not to do is not to apply to nato getting weapons against russia installed direct on their borders.No big deal.Russia didn't invaded ukraine when there was no issue.


But no they let the US use them to now potentially destabilise Europe. And who benefits from all of this? Not Europe, not Russia, not Ukraine but only the US.
Some of the comments and sources cited in this thread are downright bizarre. Martin posts a story from the "World Socialist Web Site," which includes this beauty:

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, scores of far-right organisations sprang up in Ukraine, as in all the former Soviet states, drawing on this filthy anti-communist heritage and supported by the imperialist powers.

So, what's next? Will you now cite from "Pravda" and "The People's Daily"?

Then the other "news article" screeches that far-right groups have actually had the audacity to hold "rallies related to politically-controversial positions, such as the promotion of LGBT rights." Wow. A right-wing group that actually wants to protect its country's culture from all the cultural filth from the West. What's next? Will they try to keep pornography out of the hands of young children? Help little old ladies cross the street?

At any rate, this thread has gone way off base. It's subject matter is Paysera suspending monetary transactions with Russia. And as a private company, it has every right to do so -- especially in light of announced sanctions.

Anyway, what is happening and/or what happened 70+ years ago should have no influence on what a bank does.
Russia continues to menace most of its neighbors until this day. And it is part of a continuing aggression that has continued for hundreds of years. That is the point. Or are you also ignorant of the constant Russian military incursions into Baltic air space? That explains why a company from a Baltic nation might stand in solidarity with another country invaded by Russia. It is not just history. It is daily life for the people of these countries, living at the border of a hostile rogue nation that has always threatened their existence.
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Same can be said for the USA and China around the world. So what do you suggest against them?
But of course who cares about Tibet, Taiwan, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. etc. Lithuania as we know is the center of the universe. (no, it’s just one of the many puppets of the USA, sorry).
Lithuania as we know is the center of the universe. (no, it’s just one of the many puppets of the USA, sorry).
If Lithuania is a "puppet" of the US, then who made it a "puppet" of the US?

Answer: hundreds of years of Russian aggression and continued Russian aggression. When your nation's very survival is at issue, you do what is necessary to survive. It's that simple. I am not sure what is so difficult to understand.
Some of the comments and sources cited in this thread are downright bizarre. Martin posts a story from the "World Socialist Web Site," which includes this beauty:

You may want to look up for yourself other sources if your The Azov Battalion are Ukrainian Neo-n**i's. If you support SS insignia wearing and ideologically aligned Neo-n**i Ukrainians then its says a lot about you . Google is your friend - "Azov Battalion Neo n**i".
Seems world is turning a blind eye to their support and arming of Neo-n**i's "as the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rings true here . Even Facebook is allowing praise of Neo-n**i's now reversing its policy....bizarre.
So should I say: Lithuania is the aggressor! Poor Ukraine! Because 700 years ago Lithuania attacked Ukraine, now someone should attack Lithuania?

Come on, start thinking with your own brain (not something common in Latvia and Lithuania).
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