Paysera asking for TIN for personal account - looking for alternatives


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Feb 26, 2024
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Dear friends,

Paysera asked me to upload my TIN for my personal account. I don't want to upload it for privacy reasons ( CRS / AEOI ).

I'm using Wise, I used also Joompay in the past but they closed all payment cards.
I know ZEN , Icard, etc. although I don't like them so much.

I like EMIs that link with Google Wallet.

What other EMI can you recommend me without TIN?
well not providing tin doesnt help at all with privacy. You can easily upload it.
You will be found regardless of tin (name, dob etc) unless...

1) Be advised that according to the recent EU directive DAC8, all EU-operating EMIs are considered Reporting Financial Institutions under CRS. DAC8 is effective on 2026-01-01. Hence, any EU EMI will report on 2026-01-01 at the latest (or even sooner). Reporting concerns all accounts, unless 90-day rolling average balance does not exceed USD 10,000 at any day during the year. For more details look e.g. here Revolut CRS 2024.

2) @JackAlabama is completely right, although identification of a person via TIN is the easiest, it is not the only way; you can be reported without TIN as well.

So, IMO, investigating what EMI asks for TIN now and what does not is almost useless.

3) The only way how to avoid AEOI/CRS is to have an account with an institution located in a non-AEOI/CRS country; or to live in a non-AEOI/CRS country; or both
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