Not apostillable? Are you sure? For what reason? In general, any document that can be notarized should be possible being apostilled, an apostille is nothing more than the internationally accepted validation that the person who notarized a document had the power to do it in the relevant country, simply said...
The Certificate of Incumbency is typically issued by a notary, while the others are issues by the company itself. Typically you can only get an apostille for a document from the state of issued by a notary. Hence for the operating agreement you could get a notarized copy which...
Resignation of Organizer: Wyoming allows anonymous LLCs. This means only our information will appear in the public record. Via the operating agreement and the Resignation of Organizer document, you can demonstrate your ownership of the company. Certain clients, mainly international, may also opt for a Certificate of Incumbency. This is similar to a Resignation of Organizer document, but has been notarized and can be apostilled.