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Panama, Guatemala or Belize best offshore company formation, advise needed?

There are so many other offshore jurisdictions available, one of them is the Seychelles, Why Seychelles? - Blogs - Offshore Company Forum :check:
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fei said:
Yeah, was in touch with Guatemala lawyer, and Panama service provider and also looked into Cyprus and UK but my decision was to go with a Seychelles company which I'm happy that I did:whoo:
Great to hear that the SC company went out to work for you.
You have failed to mention your country of citizenship/inhabitation and country of residency. Both are extremely relevant to deciding where to assume a new persona. Also would the structure only exist for providing a separate legal entity so as to eliminate using your name and information? Would any amount of revenue exceeding 2,500 bones pass per annual?
You do not need an offshore solution. Unless you like paying extra money.

Get a llc which does not require the listing of members on state filings. A US solution can be used as long as you do not use the LLC in connection with international business contracts with governments.

No names of officers, directors, or members will ever appear in any public or state record. Better than Nevis LLC for ID purposes. It can only be found in one state. Ask admin permission and I can get you in touch with someone who can get it for you and with a spain principal place of business.
It does not work that way. I have a US LLC which is located in another Jurisdiction and used as a separate legal entity as a remedy to no longer using personal identification which provides more privacy than a Nevis LLC. It has never once had anything to do with the US. It does not have bank accounts. It is for ID solutions only. Information collection systems in the US are tied to "Commerce", not a entity doing nothing but performing "proxy" like actions.

It is what has been supplied for state officials. The key to ID solutions is not where it is from (unless you will be using it somewhere where they hate that country...) but does the entity articles of formation require none, little, or alot of information. For ID solutions you want "none", no exceptions.
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It is for ID solutions only.
aha, the key is to use this entity for ID purpose only? Can you tell me who will go and sign the company? And you mean that if I look up a Nevis LLC through dnb.com then they will never be able to reveal any "ultimate beneficial owner" data for me?
no Nevis LLC there is a record. You just have to post a bond to see it. But nevis has been around for awhile and many countries have litigation and legal mutual exchange agreements in place. Do not recall for spain and nevis, but the list keeps getting bigger. No this US llc has no record. A nominee files the articles of formation. This "nominee" (which is officially called a Incorporator) is not a director or member or officer. Its like a "Notary".

EDIT: There is no company that must be used to form that is a BO or UBO.

You will never see any information. Contact me for and I will let you look up a llc I have in place, you can look up the name on the government website. no UBO data.

Yes for ID purposes only. And title registration purposes only! Privacy... simply put.
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Hi TVentures,

Hopefully I'm not hijacking thread. I can't send PMs yet since I just registered.

I'm very much interested in your LLC solution here (and in which State it occurs). I've been living in Germany for some time and just this year I was in the process of looking to form an offshore company for my internet business (service only, no product). After a ton of research as to where, I had an odd event happening where I will be moving back to the US later this year. So, it appears that an offshore business doesn't really suit me nor does it benefit me. I've done a lot of looking into US LLCs and from what I can gather, Wyoming "appears" to be the way to go to accomplish what you speak of however I am unsure if this information is correct.

I'd like to run my business under the LLC and this is completely meant to be for privacy and asset protection. I'd, of course, report and pay taxes on all world-wide income. Perhaps I'm wrong in thinking that offshore doesn't appear to help my case. If someone thinks otherwise, feel free to chime in.

Anyhow, perhaps you'd be able to help explain things a bit in more detail? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I am a US citizen.
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Merjawy said:
Sorry I'm from Spain and my aims are to avoid my personal data to be published anywhere. I need 100% privacy for my web business. I want to pay tax.
I have been reading this thread and Guatemala is a very good place where you can do this, in fact we have a lots of favorable benefits for people coming from Spain. If you want me I can give you the name of the person in the Guatemalan Embassy in Spain who will for sure be glad to help you.
In first posting was mentioned Panama as good choice. AFAIK, since recently they open internet register and now company details are visible for anyone. I don't know if there is some special type for "offshore" (anonymous) company, but regular Panama company info is visible (if the server is not "busy"). Anyone with more info about this?
TVentures said:
You do not need an offshore solution. Unless you like paying extra money.
Get a llc which does not require the listing of members on state filings. A US solution can be used as long as you do not use the LLC in connection with international business contracts with governments.

No names of officers, directors, or members will ever appear in any public or state record. Better than Nevis LLC for ID purposes. It can only be found in one state. Ask admin permission and I can get you in touch with someone who can get it for you and with a spain principal place of business.
Hello everybody, hi TVentures,

your post got my attention. I want to start an adult membership site and I want to accept payments. If somebody pays me I dont want hime to see my real identity. Is this LLC helpful for me to cover my identity?

Or do I have to go fully offshore, open a company / bank account to be covered?
