open bank account personal EU not resident

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I wrote Germany address only. (Mail forwarding service company address)
I didn’t write my home address.
@luta the first question you're asked when you sign up for an N26 account is "country of residence".

Are you really able to open an offshore account with a German shipping address, or is this just a case of opening a German account with a false residence address?
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They only want you to write ‘shipping address’.
You don’t need to proof your residence address, so you can pass verification with mail forwarding company address.
Maybe it is different based on IP address. When I access N26 it specifically asks for country of residence.

Obviously people can put the wrong country but then it would be a German resident account, not an offshore account with German correspondent address.
Just select Germany and type address! They won’t ask you for documents, and i’ve told support that i’m not resident of Germany but my account is fine. (People in my country tried it with same way as i did too.)
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It’s not just about what “works”.
If you declare your company’s profits as nil, you also won’t have to pay any taxes. The thing is that when you get audited, things will get ugly. This is pretty much the same thing.
You can try BSM Banco di San Marino, they open online with few documents and no video verification, they only need a bank tranfer from another account in your name.
In Switzerland they open personal account only if you are resident in Italy, Austria, France or Germany, or any other country in the world if you can offer a large amount (1 million Euro or more)
next choice from drop down menu they open for non eu citzens .
limited whitelisted countries or what?
Are there any special fees for foreigners? Or do they really provide free accounts for EU residents?
If I go to the Italian page, they offer a free bank account and also unlimited free (SEPA?) transfers.
But I cannot really find a full fee schedule for personal accounts.

No has to be to only an EU address anything out of that they will decline under compliance.

You need a residential address you can get the mail from. Then have the mail forwarded to you like cards and pin numbers.

You rent this like a PO Box and it costs about 300 per year. You can change the address after to outside the EU and hope no one picks it at compliance and shuts your account down.