Offshore personal non EU bank account remotely


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Feb 11, 2024
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As an EU citizen and resident, where can I open a regular current account (not private banking) outside the EU, remotely? Any bank in any country is highly appreciated! Preferably without introducer but if there is no other option, that's fine, too.
As an EU citizen and resident, where can I open a regular current account (not private banking) outside the EU, remotely? Any bank in any country is highly appreciated! Preferably without introducer but if there is no other option, that's fine, too.
Zenus Bank in Puerto Rico for free. You get a USD account remotely.

Most banks won't give you accounts for nothing. I'm sure there will be other offshore banks, but they will all have decently high minimum deposits / fees and be hanging on by a thread to their last correspondents.

I guess banking in Georgia could work. Serbia is also pretty good, for example with API Bank, but you definitely need to visit to open those (although it's not such a big deal from Hungary).
Reactions: neu13
Thank you, anything in Asia or South America maybe? Would prefer a retail bank used by the locals over an island one. Zenus seems to be good, might give it a try. No cards for my country though.
Reactions: vehzag and ilke
An ITIN won’t get you a US bank account remotely. Secondly not “any” US bank will accept an ITIN. Many community banks refuse clients who don’t have a SSN. Also; be prepared to have your account frozen down the road with the only option to unfreeze it being a visit to the bank with two forms of ID. There’s also no way you’re going to open a UK bank account without a proof of address In the UK
HSBC UK allows you to open an account from Europe online.
It works for most of us. If you do crypto, you will have troubles almost anywhere.
I don’t think OP said anything about crypto
What I do know (as a US resident and US citizen and a former JP Morgan employee), is that no credit union or community bank with allow an ITIN to open an account. As far as large banks are concerned, you might have been lucky bypassing back office checks but an ITIN (usually starts with number 9 vs SSN) will almost certainly get you flagged, frozen, and a long and painful battle to recover your funds with a mandatory visit to a branch. US banks are very patient and slow. We conducted audits almost twice a year with a system named Pegasus that detected non residents accounts. Might take a year, might take 5 but it’ll happen
I did in another thread. A Maltese bank just refused my application I'm guessing because I listed crypto income on my application form.
Reactions: Yrybak08
Most high street banks in the US open bank accounts for non-residents, even without ITIN, Just a W8 and you are good. Some ask for address proof, some require it in the US. Almost all of them are real banks and require a personal visit. Even more allow bank accounts only with ITIN, there are even plenty of them offering credit cards without ITIN, and even more with ITIN.

If you chose them wisely, you will be able to bank with those that will not ask for a personal visit once things go south. Yes, they exist.

Community banks and credit unions are different. Many of them don't even have SWIFT membership and have issues handling international payments. I am not aware of any credit union offering anything to non-residents even with SSN. The number of documents they request is horrible. W2, tax returns, address proof in form of a utility bill, but not a cell phone, etc.
Reactions: JohnLocke
I might have misunderstood. Thought you meant non residents are opening accounts using an ITIN without being present
If you chose them wisely, you will be able to bank with those that will not ask for a personal visit once things go south. Yes, they exist.
Which bank would that be if you could come with just one example?
Which bank would that be if you could come with just one example?
BBVA in the old days. Has been sold to PNC now and things are different. They ask you to go to the branches.

Otherwise, there is SoFi and Capital One which are normally very easy going.

А можно подробнее, там ограниченный выбор стран
Could you share details, the country selection is limited there. [moderator edit]

I was not aware that I can write Russian that well. Tried to learn it for years, but it is not that great.

HSBC Hong Kong, you can check the App. But honestly, I don't think it is easy for Russians at the present time. Where are you located?
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А можно подробнее, там ограниченный выбор стран
Please, note and respect that this is an English speaking forum and avoid posting in any other language. This is disrespectful (and useless) for many of users that cannot understand your content. Regardless of existence of (inaccurate) machine translators, searching becomes impossible, etc.
(I, personally, understand you well but this is not the core.)
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@Forester you speak Russian. Wow cool. Where are you now?
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