offshore formations 247

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Because sometime I work in other time zone and need to talk to my director of my offshore company - now I can't do that and it is a problem for me time to time.
You can use e-mail and Skype to get in touch with most of these Agency services that form offshore companies as from what I have learned. What would interest me is to know what the new requirements are to form a offshore company and what jurisdictions are less strict with the requirements. I have heard some bad news about providing real documents to Agent and visiting the country and stuff like this.
Can we discuss Full Managed Offshore Company setups - it seems to be something totally negliated on this forum, it's an setup fully administrated by a real director and owned by a trust typically, you pay a fixed sum each year for them to maintain and keep your company safe from anyone.
Reactions: JohnLocke
WTF is this? I was surprised to find this here
Reactions: happyjohn
Yes I'm considering a solution where my name does not appear anywhere. I know a friend of mine has a person that is handling everything for him. My friend call's him by phone or e-mail and he does any bank transaction required. How does it work?
That's a possible solution, you need full nominees and a Trustee to take care of your offshore setup. You may contact us directly for a tailered solution.
Belize is an independent country that offers low incorporation costs to clients. Their IBC’s as well as their non-resident directors are exempted from taxes. The cost for the basic documents and sets is only $795. What the set includes are: the memorandum and articles of association, registration fees, license fees, issued share certificates, minutes appointing first director, registered office fee, minutes appointing first shareholders, and the current year registered agent.

One advantage of opening an offshore company in Belize is it is easy to open bank accounts, purchase real estate properties, or set up a business brand. Other jurisdictions do not offer this.

Formerly known as British Honduras, Belize is one of the most popular and affordable offshore jurisdictions in the world. They are heavily advertised on social media and other online message boards and forums.

Although there are a few disadvantages for opening an offshore company in Belize, they are still widely recognized and preferred by many because of the low cost they offer to clients. And the country is also stable.

You can offer an offshore company in Belize for as little as $500 and a renewal fee of $300. So if you want to save more, choose Belize, and click here for more information.
Reactions: zohoman
An offshore company formation can be no different to any other business, the only disparity is the jurisdiction in which it has been established. An offshore company formation is usually in the form of an International Business Corporation, otherwise known as an IBC, and receives large tax advantages. An IBC is a corporation that can do business anywhere it likes apart from its home country.

There are consultants who will assist you in setting up your offshore company and advice on all the legal aspects required. They have many years of experience in setting up offshore company, offshore bank accounts, setting up a trust and so on. They also offer total privacy and guarantee that your accounts and personal details will remain secure and confidential.

Anyone in business these days realizes how difficult it is to make a profit no matter how hard you work and when you are paying out large amounts of your profit in the form of tax it can be frustrating. It is important to keep up to date with all the rules and regulations regarding tax and income, after all you don’t want the profits from your business being eaten up by the financial institutions and tax departments!

If you are considering setting up an offshore company then it is advised you look for a reliable and well established agency to help you. As well as having the relevant knowledge and experience they have the experience needed in this area and know all the laws and will be up to date on any changes in these laws. Your business relationship with the agency will be founded on trust, if an agency isn’t trustworthy they would soon be out of business themselves as no-one would want to do business with them. They can offer your company offshore banking and other professional services that go along with it.

You are able to purchase a ready made offshore company if that is what you require with the agency providing a nominee director and nominee shareholder, or you can re-register the company and assign your own people as company director, secretary and shareholders. The choice is yours and can be fitted to suit your requirements. If you are concerned that the ready to trade offshore companies might have outstanding liabilities or have procured debts there is no need as the companies are clear of any trade or transactions since the day they were registered.

You are not required to actually live in the country where your offshore company is registered and that is why it is so popular with all types of industries. There are no restrictions placed on you based on your residence and who controls the company is entirely your decision, you can control it yourself or allocate an agent who is located on the offshore territory to take care of everything for you. Many industries that conduct trade all over the world do so through offshore international business centers and a large majority of the worlds hard currency is kept in offshore banks, much more than anyone realizes and this figure is likely to keep growing and developing for companies and individuals.

Many offshore banks have very strict rules on who they accept as their customers and contrary to popular belief they don’t accept just anyone as long as they have money! They have their reputation to maintain as a reliable and trustworthy financial institution and it would not be acceptable to them to allow criminals to use their services. Opening an offshore company can give you privacy or anonymity, the confidentiality laws of these jurisdictions are usually very strong and are a legal method of minimizing the tax amount you have to pay each year.

Many people set up offshore companies to protect their assets, if there is a liability case brought against them keeping their money offshore can make it more difficult for would-be creditors to get their hands on it. An offshore company can also be a way to save towards your retirement fund, better that money is in your pocket then the tax mans.
Is it possible to contact nominee or trust all around the clock if it's urgent something like an 24/7 support - it can be important if they control my offshore company or not?
Why not, shoot an e-mail to your nominee director and you will be fine! Otherwise you may call your Agent or Skype him so they may respond to your request and a 3rd option is to simply insert / appoint a real director for your company acting nominee so you may have access to him all around the clock or what you think? I don't believe it to be important to get in touch with your nominee all around the clock in day times for sure.
Seems MPS already knew about what benefits a "full managed" offshore company brings to the table. That means nominee shareholder and director both appointed and used for the management of the company they will also have access to the offshore account belonging to the company one setup. So you can prove that you are not in control of the company and you don't manage it!
I was wondering if there are other offshore jurisdictions where you have to renew the company before it is 1 year old? I know for sure that Seychelles and Cyprus don't have this stupid regulations as Belize has!!
Yes Belize has had this ever since I remember... ever January the 2nd you have to renew!
We should add a poll to this thread if possible, where we can vote what agent is the best. Also another thread where we list our requirements to the agent that is offering our company formation in any offshore jurisdiction, what services they can provide and how they can help us in other matters once we have established our offshore corp with them!
Out of my head I can get the following points for why I would need a offshore formation 24 7 -

Point 1:
I would like to be able to form a new offshore company in an time zone different from mine, since I'm in a hurry I don't want to wait until they finish sleep.
Something is going wrong action is required immediately! How do I get in touch with the agent for the offshore formation?

Point 2:
The offshore jurisdiction where I want to incorporate my business is different from mine! I'm in a hurry and don't want to wait 1. until they finis sleep 2. until they get into the office and 3. until they reach out to me after hundred of e-mails they received during their sleep!

All in all I would say it's important that you can reach out to your offshore formation agent 24 / 7 so you won't have delays if you get in a hurry to have things done!
Reactions: zohoman
there is some great info here. If you are looking for a good alternative agent that is actually delivering your service and don't promise more than what he can help you with so please send me PM here on forum. I can help you with Bahamas and Bermuda company formation fast and trusted service!
Reactions: zohoman
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