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Offshore company incorporation for high risk business, where and how?


Corporate Services
Business Angel
Jun 22, 2012
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I'm on the look for incorporating a offshore company for my business that is considered to be high risk! Can I just register the offshore company where I like or will the offshore country have restrictions in regards to the activity that may go on in the Offshore company? What I consider is to register a Seychelles company since it seems the majority here are doing so and great privacy is granted.

Any input would be very much appreciated:hello:
Well, for instant the Seychelles will not allow the pharmacy business activity you describe. In the Seychelles they are very large with the restrictions they have, however, Pharmacy & Gaming are some of the business activities which are not allowed.

Many find workarounds, but official it is not allowed to incorporated a offshore Seychelles company for this activity.
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You will need to be carefully with doing so..
Second that. It's actually what most are doing when they are into a business which is complicated to place with banks.
taxraider said:
I'm on the look for incorporating a offshore company for my business that is considered to be high risk! Can I just register the offshore company where I like or will the offshore country have restrictions in regards to the activity that may go on in the Offshore company? What I consider is to register a Seychelles company since it seems the majority here are doing so and great privacy is granted.

Any input would be very much appreciated:hello:
Did you found a solution taxraider?
Would interest me as well if you got your offshore company and how it went through for you ;)