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offshore company for travel website

Typically when people say they are on a budget for setup I would say they should consider a UK company with an EMI account this can be done for less than €100 - using 2co or stripe will make your setup completed.
Here you have a great list of EMI's, banks and payment processors List of Banks, EMI's, Payment processors and BTC to FIAT institutions.

Forget about offshore if you are on a low budget, if you don't even have the money to setup something offshore then why even consider it? build your business big and then consider to go offshore if it's relevant at that point.

You use EMI for banking and a payment processor for payment gateway and merchant account i.e. stripe and 2co are very good for startups.
Why do you want to go offshore?
To pay less tax?
To do something you are not allowed to do in your country?
Because you would not get a bank account in your country?
What you can do depends on that.
EG to save tax, you can have a UK company and than receive invoices and pay them to a company in a low tax country. (Maybe not being held by you)
If you want to delay tax payment, consider Estonia.

And what is low budget anyway?