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Offshore company for existing hosting business.

So you are an hosting company, I can'y see why a Seychelles or Belize company wouldn't be sufficient. Make sure that you pick an offshore jurisdiction that don't have a DTA, DTAA or TIEA with your country(Greece), the Seycheles is such a offshore jurisdiction.

Most offshore companies don't pay tax or only little tax, for instant a foreign Seychelles company (IBC) will not pay any tax at all nor do you need to file any tax returns or maintain books.

A Hosting business is like any other digital service business, it is very simple to move offshore.

As far as I know there are no restrictions regarding hosting companies in any offshore jurisdiction only exception may be illicit stuff.
Actually many of the smaller offshore hosts are moving their business around the different offshore jurisdictions without any problems. Some may be located in Belize, some in the Seychelles while others are Panama, Costa Rica, Latvia (not an offshore jurisdiction) and Russia.