Offshore bank accounts

helpful first post, but you should probably create a new thread with a list of popular options, pros and cons of each bank; maybe a link to reviews and stuff like that .. more practical info will be appreciated ..

I wonder if OP knew about AEOI (automatic exchange of information) agreement between most of european and a lot of non european countries when he wrote this post. I'm from a country which plans to implement AEOI this or next year, so I guess if I open cyprus account this year they will report me next year, is that correct? isn't this defeats whole purpose of offshore bank account?
what do you guys know about Credit Andorra? I'm planning to open an account with them but the fees seem a bit high. However, the person I'm in touch with claims I'm not going to be paying the fees stated on their web site. This also seemed odd to me. It sounds like he is trying to lure me in and then charge the fees any way later on. Anyone has any experience with this bank?

My main purpose is wealth management/international diversification and maybe save some money on taxes but it looks like the fees gonna balance it out so...
I wonder if you can read the date for when this was posted
This is an off-topic, but as far as I know, Turkey is not in the EU, so EU dont exchange financial info with Turkey, so any country will be good. In Bulgaria we have some small turkish banks, and to my knowledge they deal only with Turkish citizens (or half turkish bulgarian citizens) because I have never seen bulgarian citizen with bank account with those banks, but they do exist.
Also the biggest problem in Turkey is that if you get caught they put you in prison, no questions. When we were in Turkey like 7-8 years ago we were told prisons are full with people involved into financial scam/not paying taxes, etc/. So they rather have financial "scammers" in prison, instead of real criminals. turkey is part of AEOI agreement, so is bulgaria.
At least they dont have their banks system linked like in the EU, I mean they exchange information for sure, but in the EU they took it to the next level a few years ago. Here they can't wait to apply the newest bulls**t coming from the EU regarding money laundering and such things on a very low level. I believe all of this is against normal people who find it not profitable enough to pay all the taxes, the big fishes launder their money at national level and don't give a ... about EU regulations.

I am new to offshore, can anyone point me to the right direction .. I am Egyptian Citizen who lives in denmark for the last 5 years trading crypto and looking to withdraw my profits anonnymous and be able to spend it ofcourse instead of withdrawing straight forward to my danish bank account as it will raise flags and must pay high taxes.

Should I open corporate bank account for an offhsore company with a crypto hedge fund as activity or personal offshore bank account is enough ? Not planing to withdraw much, 10-15k $ monthly to offshore then forward to my persoanl account since its coming from my personal name it should be fine.
