Offshore bank account needed


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Jul 20, 2018
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My background:

1) EU Citizen
2) Offshore LLC company opened 4 years ago in St. Kitts & Nevis
3) I deal in affiliate marketing, clean business with signed contracts
4) Currently EPB customer but willing to move ASAP

What I need:

1) Offshore bank account that can be opened remotely. I need a bank not going to torture me every week with additional infos, papers, bulls**t, etc. like EPB is currently doing
2) Jurisdiction that does not exchange infos with EU authorities. I need PRIVACY
3) a Visa or Mastercard issued by the offshore bank

I heard about Vanuatu and other countries, anybody willing to give me some help?
Thank you
Reactions: JohnLocke and negon
Hi Intore,

You raise some interesting points..

There seems to be a lot of criticism of Euro Pacific on this forum, much of it i assume must be valid as the same complaints seem to come up time and time again.
As i understand it though Euro Pacific's core and significant advantage in this CRS era is its new location in Puerto Rico. As the bank is now located in a US territory it is not obliged to report its ( non US ) customers to the tax authorities where the UBO of the account is fiscally resident.

What other offshore and customer friendly banks are out there who do not have to comply with these new OECD CRS reporting standards ?
Can anyone recommend any using the three criteria Intore lists above... ?
Let me add some infos:

1) I have been an EPB customer since when I opened my company. Everything worked fine - more or less - since 1 year ago. First they they did not approve one of my business partners only because they made some investigations and they found out he was speculating on the Russian real estate market (apparently they don't want to deal with Russians). After that, my mastercard has been blocked because I was mainly using it to withdraw from ATM and they told me I was withdrawing too much money and they received complaints. Now they started asking me again about my business, I had to submit them a new contract (the previous one was not clear in their opinion), they started raising doubts about me being the real beneficiary of the money, now they want I submit them an invoice everytime I get a wire transfer. As stated above, I deal with affiliate marketing, basically I resell subscriptions to different online services (VPNs, servers, cloud hosting, etc.). Everything is being done online through social medias, webpages, etc. and sometimes is not easy to submit them all those papers they are asking for.

2) My main concern is that one day they will wake up freezing my account for no reason. I have no idea about what happens when they do it. Technically some guys told me they should give me a time span in order to move the money to another account because they can not steal my money, but I'm not sure about that and I do not want to lose the money I hard worked for.

3) I'm looking for a solution since some months. Some guy suggested me Choice Bank Belize but they never replied to my application. Then some other guy suggested me a Comores based bank, but turns out it was one of the many fake banks run from Ukraine or Russia or Latvia. Then I thought about North Cyprus, but the truth is they do open offshore bank accounts only to companies REGISTERED in North Cyprus, so in order to do that I need to open a North Cyprus Company, then open a bank account and the whole operation would cost about 6K and I don't have so much trust.
Yes, actually I know the issues of Choice, I submitted the application about 1 year ago. Thanks god I did not open any account there. Any feedback on this Caye Bank? Some people says Belize is a no no right now. Also do they comply with OECD CRS standard? As said before, being a EU citizen, I'm pretty much concerned about this matter.
If you are concerned with aeoi/crs you better stay with EPB. I think Caye also complies with CRS. Opening an account is fairly easy. Did do it myself but chose at the last moment for a bank in Cyprus. Not sure what to think of banking in Belize after the Choice soap.

You have Private Pacific Bank, Vanuatu. However, the transfer is not made directly to your account, but to bank's account in some financial institution in Lithuania. Later PPB is transferring the funds to your account.

Loyal bank also worked like this ... not sure is this okay for you and your partners. Fees are quite high, but it is like that with all off-shore banks.

Compliance is not very demanding, I opened one account there in 2-3 weeks.
I send application and docs for pre-approving of compliance. I almost assure that account could be open remotely, cause VT is the world's end and Idk exactly how to reach Port Vila)))
I send application and docs for pre-approving of compliance. I almost assure that account could be open remotely, cause VT is the world's end and Idk exactly how to reach Port Vila)))
interesting, contacted them today they promise to get back to me with details. Wonder how fast they got back to you since you already one step further than me?
Yes, they have a very fast support and staying in touch. But I am waiting for a review of my docs and application for almost 2 weeks and they are still at compliance department.