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Off ramp platforms


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Jul 20, 2020
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Off ramp crypto platforms like Swissborg , Swapin etc , if i check and see fees are higher than kraken and Nexo in my opinion.

Thinking the idea is sell crypto and send to Emi, which is the advantage of send from this off ramp to emi, instead of use Nexo or Kraken? they just say use our service because is fast and cheap, but i dont see is cheap.

I imaging is because many emis can block sending from kraken, and perphas they will allow Swissborg, Swapin etc because they will not see as a crypto exchange

Any comments welcome , because sure the emis that block kraken is because they flag the company sending, emis will not be able that this kind of off ramp platforms do the same?

In case im right and you are agree, with combination of off ramp platform and emis can recommend

Thank you in advance